Hi guys!
i joined this site a few month ago and purchased Chadder's and Hokie's hyper turbo packs. I play only at the 7 $s, although i found the packs really very useful. I tried to compare the populazion tendencies and I have to say that they are almost the same as they are in the 60$s. A few minor differences are that people limp more and fold to 3bet much more often.
As i was told in Hokie's pack i tried icmizer. It is really cool I just have any part that I do not really understand. We have that minimum EV to set. What does that stand for?
When calling a 10 bb push from villain, if assign the nash ranges, can I call with all the hands that are + EV? Even if the number i very small? I heard in one of the videos that we need to set this to a specific amount becasue we need more EV than breakeven. Can you help me out with this issue?
An kind of help will be highly appreciated! :)
When you make simulation in ICMIZER it will show how much EV you gain by takeing a certain action and it will show you your EV difference. If a call with A7o would have an positive EV of +0.04% and you set a minimum +EV of +0.05% it will not show (=highlight the hand green) you A7o to have a positive EV.
You also might wanna check the Chip EV and the $EV. Remember; you have to beat the rake. So shoveing all in the first hand with your 500 chips starting stack in order to win 501 chips on average has a positive Chip EV but a negative $EV. This is also the answer to your second question (why do i need to set a minimum)
When you consider a single hand analysis, anything +EV is a shove. Remember however that you cannot be certain that your opponent is shoving Nash range, so you may want some kind of protection, for example a little tighter range.
However in a tournament there are multiple hands, and you need to remember this. So when you call, there is around 50% chance that tournament ends after this hand, and you won't be getting anything else from this specific opponent. This isn't true when you shove, because when you open push, because a big part of your EV relies on opponent folding, and tournament continues in that case, and you can gain EV in subsequent hands, making whole tournament more profitable.
If you feel your opponent is playing bad, you dont want to take a 50% chance to end it right now with +EV expectation of 2 chips in most cases. If you are against a pro player, it may be more likely that next hands will bring you more harm, and you can choose to try to end it now asap, with good EV while you are certain that it cannot be a bad decision.
Thank you guys for the answer! I really apreciate it.
If we have a look at the 7 $ hyper at stars with 0,15 $ rake. How much should be the mininum EV chip difference?
I used Gregs population tendencies combined with the Bayesian Estimator. I had a guy who was minraising the button 36 %.(calling show 12%) This is quite a low number compared with the average player tendencies. ICMIZER tells me that I can shove all these hands + EV:
33+ , A7s+, AT+, K9s+, KJ+, Q8s+, QJ+, J8s+, JT, T8s+, 89s, 78s the last suited connectors have the lowest EV( +2,37 - + 4,5). But they are still positive. How can I know that flatting here is much more profitable than shoving? What about the - EV hands? What is the lowest number that I can still flat profitable?
Sorry for my english and for the "noob" questions! I'm learning like hell. :)