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derpinater's picture
Interesting shove/fold spot

$25/$50 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero$1761.00  BTNnutzforme$1164.00  Effective Stacks: 23bb Pre-Flop ($75.00, 2 players) Hero is BB nutzforme raises to $100.00, Hero calls $50.00   Flop ($225.00, 2 players) Hero checks, nutzforme checks   Turn ($225.00, 2 players) Hero checks, nutzforme bets $133.00, Hero goes all-in $1711.00, nutzforme folds  Final Pot: $2069.00 Hero wins $2044.00 ( won +$183.00 ) nutzforme lost -$233.00     Not much history with this player. I chose to shove here because I figured there wasn't much 2x or 3x in his range and he would have cbet trips to build a pot. I also think a lot of the time I have the best hand here because I would expect him to cbet with Ace high and any flush draw. I'm not sure if I'm getting fold equity out of second pair (I only see Q3, K3, A3 in that range).What do you guys think was the best play? I chose to shove and he folded pretty quickly.  

emptyseat's picture
First of all: I would fold

First of all: I would fold pre q5s at 23bb oop.Besides that it depends on villain but any pp and 3x will call you shove. As he Would c bet the flop most of the time with 3x pps and kx. Therefore his c bet of 133 on the turn looks like it containts a lot of air and perhaps ace x which opted to make a delayed c bet. As your shove looks strong to a fish, not to strong to a reg as he would assume you would not check the turn as well oop with value, the hand is well played.Basically it is really strange that he checked a paired dry flop like that, as you would assume that players c bet this flop like 100% of time.As a thinking player knows that it is harder to connect with that board he is really dumb not to c bet on that board with value hands therefore we can assume that he is not to strong.

JSpazz's picture
imo pre is definitely a call

imo pre is definitely a call vs your average villain. On turn I like a call since we can't really fold out better (aside from A hi) nor get called by worse, unless you think Ax is a very large part of his checking range on that flop, which is pretty unlikely. We have some outs and we're gonna have the best hand and have villain give up river often enough, although reads on how he played earlier paired boards (what he delayed cbet with, what he cbetted on flop etc) can help. I also like betting turn and barreling river vs tighter villains although that's pretty optimistic on this exact board since we so rarely have a piece of it with a good preflop flatting range.