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Lirik10's picture
ipoker and pt4 (including coffeehud) - is that ok?

Today a new window requesting to approve an agreement with Titan poker appeared when I opened the client. There was an item that worried me: about ban to use "third party software". Does anybody know, is that something new that means it is necessary to cashout and run away from ipoker with pt4 (including coffeehud) or is it just somehting formal that was also present in previous versions of agreement?

Unfortunately, it was impossible to copypaste the agreement, and I did not make a screenshot.

When I asked Support in chat about it, they could not answer, just quoted the paragraph that I was asking to explain.

Thanks in advance for any information!

RyPac13's picture
HUDs are accepted on all main

HUDs are accepted on all main poker rooms I believe.
The 3rd party software they speak of would be things like live play decision making software (tells you what plays to make) and bots.
Support should be more clear for you, but you're OK to use HUDs on Titan.