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TomooseN's picture
Is it normal to have much high non-showdown winnings than showdown winnings in HU hyper turbo sngs?

I play micro stakes HU HT and have been winning, but I'm confused as to how my graph looks like this? how can i improve the showdown winnings line?

metonezajima's picture
why would you care about

why would you care about this. Its not important in any manner unless you get exploited by someone good who could see that you are not ballanced with your bluffing/valuebeting frequncies. Which clearly is not going to come until you leave midstakes. 

djsloth's picture
No detail on how we can improve?

Really?? Is this the only response he gets? I don't post much at all here but do read it often and have been looking forward to a reply to this as I am currently a winning $30s REG and have a similar Showdown (low) Winnings line.
Can someone explain how we can improve this line, are we calling off too light and too often behind? Obviously there are times when we GII pre and lose however there has to be leaks in our game which causes this line to be so different to the Non-Showdown winnings line.
Any ideas on how we can improve this?

metonezajima's picture
Have a look at some cash game

Have a look at some cash game forums. You will find the exact oposite posts that say I have like 0 or even negative nonshowdown winnigs. I think this very much comes from the style we play. May be you find some answer that will satisfy you. 

Barrin's picture
The HU Cash players, who have

The HU Cash players, who have negative showdown-winnings are - in most cases - not the best. Therefore this might not be the best example out there. "Gordon Gekko" made countless $ simply because he had positive SD winnings in CG and the same people who told others "it is not so important" did pay thousands of $ to receive coaching from him.
With changeing stack sizes it is much more difficult to achieve positive SD winnings and not half that important as it is in HU Cash game.


metonezajima's picture
sorry just forgot to mention

sorry just forgot to mention that my note about cash game players was mostly the 6max and 9 max . Probably didnt explain well that  these players have the exact opsite problem and do not get much in to account that their winnings come from mostly valuebeting which is not husng case.   

djsloth's picture
Thanks Guys

So to take away from this, obviously with the changing stack sizes I know we are not always going to get in good but I thought this may signify other leaks in our game which we can improve on.
According to this then, the line which will more directly impact our ROI is the Non SD Winnings line and we must accept the fact that our Winnings showdown line will never really be influenced by our play style. Is this a correct statement?
However, metonezajima, I was intrigued by your comment "Its not important in any manner unless you get exploited by someone good who could see that you are not ballanced with your bluffing/valuebeting frequncies" and how these lines show that we are not balanced with our bluffing/valuebetting frequencies?

metonezajima's picture
ok I apologise for taking

ok I apologise for taking this the way its a microstakes player who is a winner on micros and if he wins playing the way he has like close to zero showdown winnings its not a problem. Of course If you are willing to improve you should analyze your games and try to find spots where you call with a worse hand and made a mistake or bet in a spot where only get called by better hand but I dont think this has to be visible from your showdown winnings line being low. What I was talking about balancing your bliffing/valuebetting frequencies is that in theory against perfectly playing opponent, you should play the way where on each street you would be to bluff only so much of the time to make him indifferent to calling. For example very common situation in hypers is we 3 barrel A high bords. The case is if you size your bet for potsize, your opponent neeeds to be good 33% of the time.So to make him indifferent to calling you are allowed to bluff 33% of the time to make his call 0 EV. In the rest of the cases you should have a hand that beats his calling range. I am sure that really very few players does this or is even aware of this on the micros and lower midstakes even. And its not a problem because if our oponents are not exploiting this it still makes sence to stay unbalanced in order to exploit them. For example I have like one opponent on who just always calls with what ever blufcatcher he has when I 3barrel A high board. I picked up on that and therefore started balancing my bluffing frequncy in this spot and I can exploit him becouse he is making bad calls enough of the time since than. He like never does that on other board structures so thats where I stay unbalanced and its not a problem.  All in all I just think that if you are playing an exploitable style that works and makes you money its still ok not to change that becouse you dont like one of the graph lines. I think if you do something to encrease your showdown winnings you probably loose some of your nonSD winnings. If not thats great and you get some more money and thats great. definitely work on this. 

Barrin's picture
Since I usually ignore the

Since I usually ignore the "showdown winnings" line in SNG, I am not sure if this is still fact, but in the past the SD Winning line has been incompatible with ICM and has therefore been completely useless.
You should be carefull with chip EV anyways.
