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0mblad0n's picture
It is a normal HU downswing for a 'bad day'(7 buy ins)?

I played today 10.5$ HU non-turbos at FT and I'm extremely dissapointed.I played around 20 games and had about 7 buy-ins downswing.It is a normal downswing for a 'bad day',or is too much?I'm extremly mad because was happend something strange.Almost every all in confruntation I lost,and 90% I push with best hand,because I try how much possible to avoid coin flips.When I push with KK all in after a big raise,opponent had AA,when I pushed with QQ opponent has KK.Every river hit my opponents,push all in with AA get called by 10 8 and made the stright on the river,and a lot of other hands made on the river or turn by opponents. Do you have periods like this when think all it's against you???

thrift's picture
I've had a few 7-8 game

I've had a few 7-8 game downswings as well as upswings.

Radeh's picture
Yup, happens ;)

Yup, happens ;)


Goats!!! MORE GOATS!!!

xSCWx's picture
I had a 34 BI downswing

I had a 34 BI downswing at one point in $220s. I'm pretty sure there was no tilt involved because I was doing well in $110s and $550s during it so I would have never even noticed if I hadn't been able to filter the games on Sharkscope.

Every once in a while you will run worse than you ever believed to be possible.

n1te1337's picture
it happens to everybody

I had a 13 BI downswing in one day (one of the worst days of my life!) got it all back in the next two days :). Just don't panic, be patient and try to get it in with the best hand, the result after that doesn't really matter cuz in the long run u will always make money.

777genius's picture
even famous

even famous players include livb112 had 40-ish downswing

0mblad0n's picture
turbos or regulars?

I feel better now,cause I heard that.It's very hard for me to manage these bad runs,but I know that are part of the game.I'm still confused what to play,turbos or non-turbos.I played around 1800k games,both,but still don't know which are the best for me.I was a little winner in both,but at small stakes where the competition is terribile.I had about 17% ROI in regulars and 6% ROI in turbos.I don't like big downswings and I know in turbos the variance is higher,this could be an advanced for playing regular hu sng.But,seems like I get tilted more quickly after a regular 40 min. game when I get sucked on the river,and tend to play worse next games.Don't know what to choose,maybe you help me,or you give me some point of views about what advantages or disadvanteges have each other.thx

Ma_O's picture
Yup, I had such. But not in

Yup, I had such. But not in regulars - I had 7-8 buy-ins strick on Stars, turbos. Don`t like the structure there)

MastAAce08's picture
ive had -30 buy in days and

ive had -30 buy in days and when this happens there is usually tilt involved, although it is possible to lose that much without tilting (considering u put in alot of volume in one day.)  10-15 buy in downswings are standard even when playing your best poker, it shouldnt happen too often but will maybe a couple times a month.  It gets really hard to play your best poker when your down so much in one day so the best thing you can do is quit when u notice that luck is effecting your play.  
