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jafiashvili's picture

what is a good ITM on hyper turbo and turbo HU sng ? (micro and low limit)

crunky's picture

4-8% ROI is a good measure.

ROI = (2w(b-r) - b)/b
-w is win% (same as ITM% for husngs)
-b is total buyin,
-r is rake (so for a $10+$1 game, b=$11 and r=$1)

solving for w/ITM, i get:
ITM% = (ROI% + 100%) / [ 2*(1 - r/b) ]


so it depends on the rake.

at pokerstars this would be 53,5-55,5% ITM


This is for hypers only, in turbo you should have a higher ROI and ITM.