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Donk King1's picture
iv decieded what im doing

i decided wehat im doing thankyou.

r0nn13's picture
Those ST's can insanely

Those ST's can insanely damage your roll as you now encountered. A 100 bi downswing seems easily possible even if you're beating the game I guess.If you are able to replace your roll, why not do so and play your regular $60's and mix in some ST's on lower stakes and work on your game in these? I am doing something similar as I realise ST's are just a crazy ride, but a profitable one in the long run.

Donk King1's picture
Thanks for your response, but

Thanks for your response, but iv decided what im going to do... tommorow i have a ticket for the sunday millions tourney on stars, so hopefully i can cash in that, but thats a long shot.  iv decided that im going to start my grind from the bottom again, it will be a really good challange, and im kinda looking forward to it... im feeling pretty posative and hope to grind my way up through the stakes.  Im going to start playing the $15 turbos with a roll of $500, and hopefully put in alot of volume and try my best to take them as seriously as possible! Thanks for your answer

bubi's picture
Hey Donk

I have played a few games with you at the $30 hypers and I really think you need to work on your 25bb game if you decide to play these again in the future. You are getting it in way too loose, raising 2x and calling a shove with Q9o 25bbs deep is not going to win you money in these. I am not trying to be a jerk here, this is just an opinion from someone who is beating supers/hypers over an 11000 games sample. Gl with your grind

Donk King1's picture
Thanks for that, but im

Thanks for that, but im pretty sure i wouldnt have done that! i could be wrong, but maybe you have mistaken me for someone else, or maybe i did make that call, but obv its a ridiculas call 25bbs deep and dont think i did.

RyPac13's picture
Trade in your sunday million

Trade in your sunday million ticket for the cash, playing with a buyin of $200+ with only $500 behind is too degenerate, even if you plan on starting at the lower buyins after.Part of being successful is being responsible.  It might look fun to be Isildur, but most people that treat their bankrolls like that go broke and even those that make it are often unhappy.  Discipline is a skill that feels good to have, develop it, the rewards will follow.

DntCaltACmBk's picture
"Discipline is a skill that

"Discipline is a skill that feels good to have, develop it, the rewards will follow."Solid quote.

Donk King1's picture
Thanks Rypac

Thanks Rypac