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jackoneill's picture
Going for the Triple Crown

There we are, at the end of the week, the end of the month - and maybe not only the end of the year, but the end of everything.This has been a very successful month for me in my new job, and I'd really love to wish you all a nice Thanksgiving weekend, but I'm not there yet.Tomorrow will be a very hard day for me. We have an appointment at the vet with our dog early in the morning, he wasn't feeling very well this entire week and I'm very worried.But I still want to look positively into the future, I want it all:I want everything to go well with our dog, I want to have success both in my job and with poker - and I want to find peace with my dad again.This has been a very successful week for me in my new job and I feel like I just won the Breeders Cup - but tomorrow, the Kentucky Derby will be entirely in God's hands ... And for a few days, it even looked like I either win it or won't even make the finish line.But now, there's hope again. Maybe I'm just forcing myself to look at it in a positive way, but we all have bad days. We all have weeks where we're lying in bed with a bad cold. We all have days where we drunk too much alcohol or ate too many donats and are feeling extremely sick. It happens to the best of us. And we recover from it.But once you're reaching an age that's equivalent to about 100 years for a human, then of course you get extremely worried, even a normally rather harmless sickness could quickly become fatal. And of course, what we're seeing now could be the first signs of the end: a tumor, cancer, something like that.This will be a very hard night for me, I don't think it'll be easy for me to find rest - and I have to get up again in about 7 hours. But I tried to prepare myself for it as good as possible: got very little sleep last night and didn't drink any coffee or tea all day long, so I'm extremely tired. Hopefully I'll fall into my bed when I'm done writing this and fall asleep like a stone.                                                       * * *The second thing that I absolutely want to do this year is having success both in my new job and in poker. I really like these people and what they're doing, but also don't want to fully give up on my poker career just yet. However, if I had to choose between one of the two right in this moment, I'd choose that job. It's something that I really enjoy doing and where I can also can build something long-term.I call this the Preakness Stakes - the only race that I'm in full control of since I'll be riding this myself. The good news is that I think I can be fairly confident now that I won't do anything stupid, like falling off the horse (losing the job and/or my bankroll), so it's very likely that I'll always make the finish line - first, last, or anything in between ....But this one is basically just hard work, then I should be able to win it.                                                       * * *And then, of corse, the Belmont Stakes, taking place over Christmas:I want to make peace with my dad, and I also don't want to lie to him about poker.Well, this is actually in fact the longest of the three - and it's also the most difficult of those that I have control over. But this is definitely the last Christmas where the family will be together, if I don't do this now, then I will never be able to anymore in my entire life.And during all these days of me being angry about my dad because he's so against poker - I always had this picture in my mind: me and my dad standing next to each other at the window on New Year's Eve, watching the fireworks.I really want another Christmas like that with my dad, it will be the last where our beloved dog will be with us.                                                       * * *I can do nothing about tomorrow, that day is entirely in God's hands - and if that one goes wrong, then nothing is important anymore. Most likely, I'd even cash out my entire bankroll and self-exclude myself for six months since I won't be emotionally stable enough to play anymore anyways.But if we can dodge that bullet somehow, then I'd like this to be a perfect year 2011, and I want the full package. And in terms of poker, this isn't even so much about money, it's much more about being very confident that I played as good as I possibly could - if I lose half my bankroll while being fully confident that I played well, that's still a win, variance won't be able to spoil that.                                                       * * *0:36, had 5 cans of Tuborg and watched "Secretariat" (a movie about horse racing) on pay-tv, alarm clock set to 7:00 am, signing off ...

jackoneill's picture
New Dawn

Just came back home and everything went fine :-)

Now I call this a holiday and party weekend ... and I also need to see that movie!

jackoneill's picture
Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

jackoneill's picture
Happy New Year 2012

So there we are, first day in a brand new Fast Track session and I'm so happy and excited to be part of this :-)First decision I had to make was whether to continue this thread or start a new one - which would have been called "Destiny" ....Some Background Info:"Dialing the 9th Chevron", that's a term from Stargate - they're basically trying to establish a stable wormhole to a destination in a far away galaxy, to an ancient spaceship called "Destiny".For me, that was basically a synonym for trying to accomplish everything I've ever dreamed of in my life, reaching the most far away distance I ever dreamed about.And in real life - at least for the moment - I accomplished this, at least for everything that I can control.And something we learned in poker ...That last part, "everything that I can control", that's actually something that I learned in poker by reading Jared Tendler's book - he wrote something like we can't control variance or which cards will come, only what we're making out of the situation.  And I think we can also translate this into real-life away from the tables: there are things that we do control and things that we can't.And I think out of those things that we do control, I've done my best.I found the job of my dreams and our dog, who just became 15 years old, is still with usTo the tablesWell, if I had to honestly assess my own skills, I don't think I'm ready yet to truely beat the $100's - I might be doing great against fish, but my shots at $200/$300 in January clearly showed me that there are a lot of opponents who're way better than me.  I've played against a ton of good regs at the $200's in the last 6 months and got completely crushed by them, which means there's still a lot for me to learn.A mental game problem ?And I may also have a little mental game problem, though I'm not sure about that.Basically, in my current job, I have to constantly give my absolute very best - but the challenge is not beating other people, I merely get extremely complicated computer problems that I have to solve in the best way possible - and I do not only seek to just solve the problem, but to find the best solution possible.And I think that sometimes translates to the tables a little bit.So often, I find myself playing against some other reg of about the same skill-set and I strive to find a way of beating him.This may sound very odd because I'm also so much against all these so-called "HU4ROLLZ" on 2+2 - but it actuallly happened to me on multiple occasions that I rematched someone a lot, then realized "oh this guy is actually very good" and never sat him again.My true destiny:This time, I joined FT with a very different set of goals than in the past - and it's also the first time for me, where I really know exactly what I want:I have already made my decision that my current job is my true destiny, so poker is simply a way of making some extra money - which has its advantages and disadvantages.The biggest advantage is that I now basically have "all the time of the universe": there is now limit on how much time it will take for me to master this game - which essentially means that I can afford to spend more time on studying without having the pressure of having to make a certain amount of money.Of course, the downside is that I'll have a lot less time for poker, so variance could actually become a problem for me again - running bad over 1k games, that isn't over after just a few days anymoreGoals for this month:I signed up for this with a few specific goals in mind - the following is basically a list of topics that I need to ask more specific questions about:

  • Discussing / learning when to rematch someone who is not a fish:Hints that in the past led me to believe that s.o. was a fish/bad player/s.o. I had an edge upon.How to realize if/when they picked up on it 
  • Dealing with weak regs
  • Jamming vs. flatting ~15bb deep
  • Against "non-fish": when they adjustDid they adjust / are they just running good(Counter-/over-)adjustments:When they did X and we adjusted by doing Y, when to look for Z 
  • "Getting exploited by these 4x'ing fish" - a.k.a. New Year's Eve Morning(low prio since it won't happen very often, but want to ask about it anyways) 
  • Playing in limped pots
  • When you've seen them play very predictably with their strong hands, but you now have X.

Dealing with specific opponents:

  • For each opponent that I previously played 100+ games against this year:Find and identify a specific leak in their play that I previously did not spot while playing them.  Find max. expl. strat. against them and why I didn't spot it in-game.

Ultimate Goal:

  • Find at least one major leak in my opponent's play that could have been spotted in-game, where I didn't.
  • [So far I've been very reasonable in my goald for this month, may I ...this one is to The Powers That Be ...  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aenP5OlQKfI]

I played a ton over Christmas and in early January - with very meriocre results.  So now, it's the perfect chance to analyze all that shit and learn something from it.  It's back to school for me for the next two weeks - almost no grinding, but full learning ....

hokiegreg's picture
jackoneill! woot! glad you

jackoneill! woot!glad you are back, jack! as you can see in some of the other personal threads, i was super busy today! your thread will be top priority first thing for me tomorrow. will def get running smoother after we get 2-3 days into the program, i'm just getting hit w a bunch of questions at once atm (expected). so ya, will get on this asap! thanks

jackoneill's picture
Against someone who makes small 3bets with Ax and middle PP's

Ok, let's start with a few questions about a very specific opponent:His BB stats are: 52% VP$IP, 32.8% 3Bet and he's mostly making smallish 3bets to about 95 chips, only rarely jams.  I've seen him 3bet/fold and from those times where we got to the flop, I've seen A-rag / K-rag, middle PP's and also monsters. .... have to leave now, will finish this when I get back home.

hokiegreg's picture
And in real life - at least

And in real life - at least for the moment - I accomplished this, at least for everything that I can control.That's great man. I'm happy for you. I think you meant 'metaphor' though :)That last part, "everything that I can control", that's actually something that I learned in poker by reading Jared Tendler's book - he wrote something like we can't control variance or which cards will come, only what we're making out of the situation.I would hope you learned that from talking to me in Barcelona too! I feel like I told you that a dozen times while you were 4 tabling on tilt threatening to drink 60 beers in 1 day! lolBasically, in my current job, I have to constantly give my absolute very best - but the challenge is not beating other people, I merely get extremely complicated computer problems that I have to solve in the best way possible - and I do not only seek to just solve the problem, but to find the best solution possible.And I think that sometimes translates to the tables a little bit.So often, I find myself playing against some other reg of about the same skill-set and I strive to find a way of beating him.why don't you just forget about the fact that their is a human being on the other end of the game, and just pretend it's a smart/adaptive computer program that he have to learn to beat (obv it has human nature elements you need to consider)? if you look at it this way, what is the difference between this approach to poker and what you do in real life? frequencies, ranges, etc...it's all a big math/strategy problem. this is mainly how i approach it tbh.there is now limit on how much time it will take for me to master this game there is no such thing as mastering poker. you should always be in the learning process. - i'm being nitpicky though :)Of course, the downside is that I'll have a lot less time for poker, so variance could actually become a problem for me again - running bad over 1k games, that isn't over after just a few days anymoredefinitely! just remember that you can't think about poker in terms of "time", only in terms of "games played". it sounds like you know this though - it's definitely a huge leak of the avg player i have found.so many times i've heard players say "ive been running bad for 6 months!" - in reality they played about 6k hypers in that time, lol :) your goals look great fwiw. good stuff!

hokiegreg's picture
Ok, let's start with a few

Ok, let's start with a few questions about a very specific opponent:His BB stats are: 52% VP$IP, 32.8% 3Bet and he's mostly making smallish 3bets to about 95 chips, only rarely jams.  I've seen him 3bet/fold and from those times where we got to the flop, I've seen A-rag / K-rag, middle PP's and also monsters.well, his bb vpip is still only 52% so there is still a lot of value in raising a wide range pre vs him bc u get a fold 48% of the time. i'd raise 75-80%, widen my 3bet calling range, and increase my 4bet shoving range (A7o+, A2s+, KJs+, 22-QQ). you are continuing vs a 3bet about 40-50% of the time, and you still get a lot of folds from his bb...i think thats' best. thoughts?

jackoneill's picture
Treating them like an unknown piece of hardware

Interesting idea of simply seeing them as an unknown piece of hardware :-)But that volume thing is sometimes really causing me problems, especially because it now takes so much longer to "get out of variance".And I often end up playing at times where there are less fish and more regs or playing much longer sessions than I was used to before.  Simply because I want my results to mean at least something at the end of the month.

jackoneill's picture
Running super hot against the folding station

Back to that guy that I was talking about earlier.This is his graph against me, we played 244 games and I'm up 20 buy-ins.So I'm running super-hot against him, like almost 19 buy-ins above EV - and his non-showdown losses are just horrible.But if you translate that into hands, he only 363 BB in 3872 hands in these non-showdown pots, so that's just 0.1BB/hand - really not that much.And while I played him, I got a bit annoyed in those parts where his EV adjusted winnings went up - especially at the end.He was also very passive post-flop and a little bit stationy in 3bet pots - like, he would rarely fold midpair when an overcard hit at the turn.Regarding my 4bet-shoving range against this guy, I already did jam some suited middling Ax, but then ran into monsters a few time, but yeah, variance.How about strong Kx / Qx type hands considering that he seems to 3bet a ton of these that we dominate and he's willing to gii with midpair.  Would these rather become flats rather than 4bet-jams ?Another thing I sometimes noticed is that he does not shut down with his draws when the board is somewhat drawy and I flat his cbet with just about a psb behind.For instance:

  • J69hhs, he cbets 80 into 180, turn is the 6s and he jammed 310 into 340 with 95hh; I had 96 and just turned a full house.
  • He 3bets to 80, I flat with A4s, flop comes A52-rb, he bet 80 into 160 and jammed 300 into 320 on a blank turn with K5.
  • Monochrome AJ3 board, pot is 180 with 270 behind he bet/calls 90 with K2 without a suit (naked King High).
  • Flop is 532ss, pot 180 with 250 behind, he bet/calls 70 with 76o - I jammed flushdraw+two overs for value.

Last hand for today - after I felt a little bit frustrated about all those times where he 3bet me with a monster and I jammed my middling Ax - here's what happens when people think they're very clever and tricky:

  • He 3bets 90 with 77, then bets 80/180 on A42-rb, then 120 into 340, I flat. River is a 7, pot 580 with 210 behind - and he check/calls with his set.

Must have been a very tilting experience for him ... he had 3% equity on the flop and zero on the turn, as it was perfectly fine for me to call his super small 3bet with 53s But that just reminds me of something that I remember from Jared's book: realizing why what they're doing is wrong, then maximally exploiting it.

jackoneill's picture
Playing against a pro

He 3bet-jammed the first hand, then this one happened:No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$98.12+$1.88 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero460  SBLotte Lenya540  Effective Stacks: 23bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is BB Lotte Lenya raises to 45, Hero calls 25    Flop (90, 2 players) Hero checks, Lotte Lenya bets 45, Hero calls 45    Turn (180, 2 players) Hero checks, Lotte Lenya checks    River (180, 2 players) Hero checks, Lotte Lenya bets 120, Hero folds    Final Pot: 300He openfolded his next button, folded to one of my button opens, then 3bet-jammed the next one.This was the 6th hand of the match: No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$98.12+$1.88 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero360  SBLotte Lenya640  Effective Stacks: 18bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is BB Lotte Lenya raises to 40, Hero goes all-in 360, Lotte Lenya calls 320 Flop (720, 2 players, 1 all-in) Turn (720, 2 players, 1 all-in) River (720, 2 players, 1 all-in) Final Pot: 720

mrbambocha's picture
OMG thoose mentality hints

OMG thoose mentality hints where soo good!You could make an article of thoose answers!

ibavly's picture
h2olga sits you at

h2olga sits you at 100s? Thats pretty scary if you have to battle those guys at midstakes.

jackoneill's picture
Yeah, I was really shocked

Yeah, I was really shocked when I saw that name - luckily it only happened once so far.

jackoneill's picture
I was also thinking a bit

I was also thinking a bit more about that AggsyB guy and what his 3bets really mean.  In theory, his 3betting range looks very strong when you only look at the numbers simply because of his low BBVPIP, which means he's only 3betting about 17% of all hands.But seeing all these trash and middling Ax type hands in his 3betting range: doesn't that mean that his range looks more like this: all PP's 55-AA, a ton of middling Ax, some bluffs.  And if we already have to fit all these hands into 17%, that doesn't leave much room for what you'd normally expect to see there: good broadways, AQs, etc.Does that make sense ?

jackoneill's picture
Against a reg who doesn't 3bet me first 25 hands

We are about 20 hands into the match and this guy has not 3bet me yet.I have the "decent reg" note about him, but that's all that I remember.  Since I just recently switched to PT4, I also don't have any stats.At 14bb, Q9o is a hand that I'd mostly limp against someone that I expect to 3bet me reasonably often - which I do here simply becaue he's a reg.  Should I still minraise/fold these hands until he've shown me that he actually does play back at me ?No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$98.12+$1.88 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero585  BBgragik415  Effective Stacks: 14bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players)  Hero is SB Hero calls 15, gragik checks    Flop (60, 2 players) gragik checks, Hero bets 30, gragik folds    Final Pot: 90 Was even more unsure here:At this stack depth, K9o is a hand that I usually happily minraise/call against virtually anyone who's not a super passive fish.  Should I change my strategy here, considering that he hasn't shown any aggression at all in his BB yet and this is about 25 hands in ?$98.12+$1.88 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero350  BBgragik650  Effective Stacks: 12bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to 60, gragik folds   Final Pot: 90 

jackoneill's picture
Jam against a reg who's

Jam against a reg who's opening really wide ?He raised his first 4 buttons in a row, then folded one hand, then raised this one.No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$196.66+$3.34 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero640  SBcard-paladin360  Effective Stacks: 18bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is BB card-paladin raises to 40, Hero goes all-in 640, card-paladin goes all-in 320   Flop (1000, 2 players, 2 all-in)   Turn (1000, 2 players, 2 all-in)   River (1000, 2 players, 2 all-in)   Final Pot: 1000 

jackoneill's picture
Calling down 2nd pair against a good reg

All draws missed otr and my hand is pretty much capped at a middle Kx.$196.66+$3.34 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero520  SBDONTSTAKEME480  Effective Stacks: 24bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is BB DONTSTAKEME raises to 40, Hero calls 20   Flop (80, 2 players) Hero checks, DONTSTAKEME bets 36, Hero calls 36   Turn (152, 2 players) Hero checks, DONTSTAKEME bets 80, Hero calls 80   River (312, 2 players) Hero checks, DONTSTAKEME goes all-in 324, Hero calls 324   Final Pot: 960 

hokiegreg's picture
imo you are paying way too

imo you are paying way too much attention to your ev graph. i don't fully undersatnd all the non-sd winnings and sd-winnings stuff, but i know that depending on different opponent tendancies - you can have a negative non-sd line and be playing optimally vs that opponent. a lot of stuff like that. i would really focus on this less ... like you shouldn't be getting frustrated "bc his ev went up there at the end". its a 244 game sample, and you are getting frustrated about an ev swing in that last few games of that sample. I think you know you shouldn't be focusing so much on that.He was also very passive post-flop and a little bit stationy in 3bet pots - like, he would rarely fold midpair when an overcard hit at the turn.that might not be "stationy", but could just be him playing correctly vs you. he knows you are thinking player right? and you are barreling this overcard turn a lot right? so he shouldn't be folding. a player is not a station just bc they call of for full stacks with third pair - a player is a station when they call off for stacks w third pair in a spot where you aren't bluffing often enough for their call to be profitable.How about strong Kx / Qx type hands considering that he seems to 3bet a ton of these that we dominate and he's willing to gii with midpair.  Would these rather become flats rather than 4bet-jams ?not sure i'm following what you are saying here. if you think that jamming KQ/KJ/QJ is better than flatting vs him bc his 3bet frequency is so high, you have a lot of fold equity when jamming, and he calls worse some too ... then ya i think that's the best play with these hands. you might dominate some hands in his 3bet range and he will stack off with mid pair post, but you are going to get cbet off the best hand a bunch of the time too! how wide is his 3bet % really though? like if its 25-30% that def doesn't mean that you can start jamming all AX + KQ/KJ/QJ/KTs type stuff too. Another thing I sometimes noticed is that he does not shut down with his draws when the board is somewhat drawy and I flat his cbet with just about a psb behind.i can think of a bunch of situations where he shouldn't shut down his draws. he has decent equity still and prob has some fold equity when leading...it's probably the best play to jam a decent % of the time (depends on his hand and texture and stuff though). basically i think you are saying a lot of stuff he is doing bad, when in a lot of cases it can be correct against a thinking player.i think he played all of the examples you listed fine, except for probably the K2 hand. if you were in his situation with those hands, how would you play it different? if you would like me to explain why i think he played them fine in detail let me know.also, given how you describe his 3bet frequency  ... if you are 4b shoving A7s i'd prob just jam A4s too most of the time (unless u think it's really that close of a spot).the 53s hand:you flatted a 3b from 40-90 with 53s? it's not THAT small of a 3bet given hyper eff stx (implied odds)...it's standard really. what size are you 3betting to? 75s or 65s would prob be the weakest suited connectors i'd flat (slightly wider than my norm given his high 3b frequency)

hokiegreg's picture
J8: lol, lotte lenya. i like

J8:lol, lotte lenya.i like how you played it. i don't think he's bluffing there often at all, as i think he expects to get hero'd a lot on that texture.K9s: what is your question here? if it's whether or not you should 3bet pre, i like the 3b against him. he opens very wide, and will definitely be raise/calling worse hands.   

hokiegreg's picture
I was also thinking a bit

I was also thinking a bit more about that AggsyB guy and what his 3bets really mean.  In theory, his 3betting range looks very strong when you only look at the numbers simply because of his low BBVPIP, which means he's only 3betting about 17% of all hands.But seeing all these trash and middling Ax type hands in his 3betting range: doesn't that mean that his range looks more like this: all PP's 55-AA, a ton of middling Ax, some bluffs.  And if we already have to fit all these hands into 17%, that doesn't leave much room for what you'd normally expect to see there: good broadways, AQs, ei'm losing you. was the reg you were describing in the EV graph post aggsyb? i've coached aggsy some fwiw, i definitely think he's a good player too. tho that doesn't mean he's going to play everything perfect obv.i think the biggest thing you need to keep in mind is that when he shows down 3b bluffs like 95s, he is goign to be aware of the fact that you just saw him do that ... so he's probably just going to be 3betting a lot of value for a while after that. it's REALLY important to pay attention to gameflow in a 3bet dynamic vs thinking players!also, even if someone is 3betting you 22% overall...if 5-6% of that range is 3bet bluffs you can't just start playing back a ton trying to soulread the times he is 3bet bluffing and pick off the few bluffs in his range. 75% of his 3betting range is still value! it is optimal to get bluffed sometimes! you can't always pick off bluffs, and when villain's range is too weighted to value it's simply -ev to even try to do so with too wide of a range.this seems to be a big leak here, so ask me some more in-depth questions so we can go further with it. i'm certainly making some big assumptions about your thought process in these spots too fwiw.

hokiegreg's picture
Q9: even though he hasn't

Q9: even though he hasn't 3bet you yet, i'd still be expecting to get jammed on a decent amt (not necessarily a wide range, but wide enough that limping should be better). i just think it's pretty rare that a "decent reg" doesn't 3bet a good amount at this stack depth, esp w such a great image having folded all those hands. if a fish had folded all these times, i think it's close. it's a little too wide to raise/call, and it's one of the stronger hands to limp. fwiw, i'd def take out some of the bottom of my standard limping range vs this reg and raise/fold it. 87o/J7o/T7o type stuff...i think you have enough reason to do that. but no, i wouldn't eliminate my limping range completely.K9: i don'tt hink you have enough reason to raise/fold it yet. you are 22 hands into the match, but that's only 11 hands in your sb. also, how many hands have happened at this stack depth (approx)...about 3 or 4? just not enough info, and i don't completely coorelate flats/folds from someone's bb play at deeper stacks as an indicator of their shortstack play - def some impact ofc, but i just want to stress that i don't give it the same weight as hands that actually take place at our current stack depth.K2: depends on what "raises really wide" means exactly. also, again, does his preflop raising range tighten as eff stx decrease? if he's raising ~60% and raise calling kind of light (bottom of range A5o, QJo, K9s), then 3bet shoving K2o is -.16 expectation. i think flatting is def > folding, but the flatting exp is almost def worse than -.16 imo.the most important thing here is just to be realistic about frequencies. can we really make the assumption he's raising that wide (with no limping range)? if you don't know for sure, use population tendancies. against the average player, this would be a flat imo (as they limp some pre which effects their raise/call freq, and the avg player prob minraises like 45-50% here). i think after 4 button opens you can assume he is raising wider than the avg player (gradual adjustment), but when you say "he raises really wide pre"...there is just a huge difference bt a 55% 65% and 75% opening freq and it's really important you focus on that instead of just generalizations of their play.K9s: if you think he is capable of barreling off light, it's a spot where most regs are going to think your range is capped at ~KT. so you really are at the top of your range, so i don't mind calling off without a specific reason to fold bc of that vs a thinking player.  

mrbambocha's picture
"also, even if someone is

"also, even if someone is 3betting you 22% overall...if 5-6% of that range is 3bet bluffs you can't just start playing back a ton trying to soulread the times he is 3bet bluffing and pick off the few bluffs in his range. 75% of his 3betting range is still value! it is optimal to get bluffed sometimes! you can't always pick off bluffs, and when villain's range is too weighted to value it's simply -ev to even try to do so with too wide of a range."- Im in the same boat as you jack.  Good reminder in adjusting gradually, and not to adjust to extreme with a small samplesize/no evidense. 

jackoneill's picture
Calling people 'fish' too quickly

Woah, looks like you just found a few very serious leaks in my game.One is certainly that I seem to call people fish too quickly.Which is what happened with AggsyB - I even had him labeled as "Super Fish" for a while, simple due to the way how things developed.  It all started with me seeing him make smallish 3bets with hands like middling Ax or small PP's that would be 3bet-jams against my high opening frequency buy play terribly post-flop. I adjusted to that by tightening up a little bit - changed from opening about 85%+ to opening about 70%, also limped a few hands and started to minraise/call more with hands that play well post-flop. And then I started to hit flops really hard - flops that probably shouldn't hit my 3bet/calling range very much - and he kept barreling. I also got the feeling that he was just burning money with bluffs in situations where my range only has very little air in it.  And he also minraise/folded way too often to my 3bet-bluffs, especially when we got more shallow.Since it didn't look at my EV line, I didn't realize that I was just running incredibly hot against him - I simply got the feeling that random donkey kept rematching me while - he is down almost 20 buy-ins against me fwiw, but his EV-line is mostly break-even.... rereading pages 211 and 214 ... "The Skill of Recognizing Variance" and "The Skill of Recognizing your Opponent's Skill" ...From those hands that I posted, on the A52-rb board - I have zero air in my range after flatting his cbet.  This board basically completely misses his small 3betting range - but I've seen him double barrel several times in 3bet pots, so I'd expect him to jam the turn almost always when I flat. But since I wouldn't want him to realize free equity, I'd jam over his cbet with a range containing both bluffs and vulnerable showdown-value hands: 88-TT, KQ/KJ - and flat with JJ-AA and Ax.  But he doesn't know that.That monochrome AJ3 board - does he really expect me to 3bet-jam air here ?  Even a naked suit has great equity against a naked King-high no pair no draw.  Maybe that's a leak of mine, but I don't fight over these monochrome boards very much unless I actually hit it - I'm simply afraid of getting looked up by a flush-draw too often. I would, of course 3bet-jam Jx here - but just nothing that K-high is ever really doing well against.Same for the 532 with a flush-draw - hmm, well he has 36% equity against a naked AK and I would jam these types of hands, sometimes even KQ, so his call was probably correct against my perceived range.

jackoneill's picture
Moving forward

Ok, I reached my monthly volume goal last night, making 15k VPPs at the $100's.I think I'll now do a few single-tabling sessions and concentrate a lot more on my opponents.

hokiegreg's picture
aggsy is clearly not a fish

aggsy is clearly not a fish and labeling him any reg as a fish is a huge leak. fish think about poker completely different than regs, and you should play very different against them bc of that. labeling him as a "weak reg" (even tho i'd disagree with you probably) would be a lot more efficient!

jackoneill's picture
Valuetowning myself against another Fast Track Student ...

Valuetowning myself against another Fast Track Student ....In hindsight, when I look at this in the replayer, I really hate this hand - and flatting 85o against another good reg also probably isn't such a good idea.Well, my thinking at the table was that I expect him to be fairly aggressive on a paired board like this - I expect him to barrel the turn and also a ton of rivers if I ever check/call here, my range is simply so capped at 5x here.  So check/calling and having to face further aggression on turns on rivers from him really sucks.  And check/raising sucks even more - he won't ever call with anything worse and if he jams over the top, then I'm crushed.But a donk-bet looks really weird - and I rep absolutely nothing, other than it's a paired board so I take a stab at it. So I thought he might make a smallish raise simply to fold out all my air that I could be doing that with. No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$98.12+$1.88 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBjackoneill76430  SBtaikogod570  Effective Stacks: 22bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is BB taikogod raises to 40, jackoneill76 calls 20    Flop (80, 2 players) jackoneill76 bets 40, taikogod raises to 100, jackoneill76 goes all-in 390, taikogod calls 290    Turn (860, 2 players, 1 all-in)    River (860, 2 players, 1 all-in)    Final Pot: 860

jackoneill's picture
I rematched him after

I rematched him after that.In the first match, I limp/called T6o for about 20bb and jammed a T-high flop, he had me outkicked but I sucked out on him.  Then the "K5K incident" happened.  This was the third match and I thought that he might perceive me as "crazy" / spewy.I decided to delay cbet here on a board that should hit his oop calling range a decent amount.Turn is of course a great card for him to lead out on after I checked back - and also a good card for me to raise his lead.Once he came over the top to this size, I think we can safely eliminate all draws from his range - and I don't think I've been too out-of-line till this point for him to have reason to believe that I'd auto-click the raise button here, so his range also shouldn't contain too many bluffs - if any.  Looks more like a good 8x that's not scared of the obvious scarecard and Kx - basically value hands.At the table, I decided to almost instanstantly jam, trying to make it look like "this pot is mine!" tilt, to get 8x to look me up. No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$98.12+$1.88 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBtaikogod500  SBHero500  Effective Stacks: 25bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to 40, taikogod calls 20   Flop (80, 2 players) taikogod checks, Hero checks   Turn (80, 2 players) taikogod bets 40, Hero raises to 120, taikogod raises to 200, Hero goes all-in 460, taikogod folds   Final Pot: 740 

jackoneill's picture
Time to stop grinding and start studying ....

After today's session, I decided to call it a month and take a break from the tables.The rest of this month is reserved exclusivly for studying.  I played against a few other very good regs tonight, so there are a lot of interesting hands for me to look at again and ask questions about.  And it pretty much looks like I have to re-read some chapters in Jared's book.

taikogod's picture
I was gonna post the last

I was gonna post the last hand you posted. You were polarized to Kx or air, and I wasn't sure how to get you to fold all of your non Kx hands w/o shoving (calling and leading river? CIB? shove?! or fold at not spew? :p). FWIW I had like J9 or something. I think jackoneill min3b a flop recently too.

jackoneill's picture
Don't remember exactly

Don't remember exactly anymore, but I'm pretty sure I was bluffing when I did that small 3bet.

taikogod's picture
Which brings another

Which brings another question.. what are your thoughts on min3b bluffing OTF vs regs who c/r often on dry boards? Do you adapt to this just by checking behind middle holdings instead of contesting for it? Flops like Q44 and you have KJ, would you just check back given you're 80% sure he'll C/R? Or shove over w/ an over? What about JT?I found that most regs are pretty fit/fold after the min3b, and some % spaz shove.

hokiegreg's picture
will get on this thread first

will get on this thread first thing tomorrow :)

jackoneill's picture
Don't worry, it's not urgent.

Don't worry, it's not urgent. I'm basically done with work for the week now, just a few minor things left to do, so I'll have this entire weekend. But Thursday Night = Drinking Night ;-)

jackoneill's picture
Getting c/mr by reg when flush hits

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players • PokerStars$98.12+$1.88Generated by weaktight.com.71% BB VPIP, 37% 3bet, 29% c/r (2 out of 7)SBHero540 BB9|kim460 Blinds 10/20

  • Pre-Flop (30, 2 players)Hero is SB

Hero raises to 40, 9|kim calls 20

  • Flop (80, 2 players)

9|kim checks, Hero bets 40, 9|kim calls 40

  • Turn (160, 2 players)

9|kim checks, Hero bets 80, 9|kim raises to 160, Hero calls 80

  • River (480, 2 players)

9|kim goes all-in 220, 220 to Hero (300)?

jackoneill's picture
2nd pair + oesd against a reg

This one was against a reg, we played 86 hands up till this point, his SB VPIP was 74%, but he only cbet 2 out of 5 times.  My plan was the gii otf with 2nd pair and oesd, but was really worried when he just flatted my c/r.  I expected him to jam all his value hands and strong draws, so he should be polarized between a made straight and a weak draw / 8x type hands.After the turn bricked, I wasn't sure whether to just openjam or make a smaller bet.  In hindsight, I really don't like my betsize as it really screams value.  But I also didn't want to bet too small to give him too good equity with all his draws.No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players • PokerStars$98.12+$1.88Generated by weaktight.com.SBchaosul530 BBHero470 Blinds 10/20

  • Pre-Flop (30, 2 players)Hero is BB

chaosul raises to 40, Hero calls 20

  • Flop (80, 2 players)

Hero checks, chaosul bets 40, Hero raises to 100, chaosul calls 60

  • Turn (280, 2 players)

Hero bets 160, chaosul goes all-in 390, Hero goes all-in 170

  • River (940, 2 players, 2 all-in)
  • Final Pot: 940
  • chaosul shows a straight, Eight to Queen
  • Hero shows a pair of Tens
  • chaosul wins 1,000 (net +470)
  • Hero lost 470

jackoneill's picture
This guy seems to be checking

This guy seems to be checking behind quite a bit; I've previously seen him check back a monochrome A85 board and delay cbet half pot on an off-suit Q.Which hands should I lead this flop with ?  Qx and combo draws, both with the intention of jamming over a raise ?  With midpair, I really don't want to get raised here after leading.Once he checked back, I did not want to give him free equity ott, so decided to lead for value.  What's my plan if he raises ?  It obviously wouldn't make any sense at all for him to check back on this board and raise turn, so I'd just jam over the top.No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players • PokerStars$98.12+$1.88Generated by weaktight.com.SBchaosul520 BBHero480 Blinds 10/20

  • Pre-Flop (30, 2 players)Hero is BB

chaosul raises to 40, Hero calls 20

  • Flop (80, 2 players)

Hero checks, chaosul checks

  • Turn (80, 2 players)

Hero bets 50, chaosul folds

  • Final Pot: 80
  • Hero wins 130 (net +40)
  • chaosul lost 40

hokiegreg's picture
85: eh, i REALLY don't like

85: eh, i REALLY don't like your reasoning for donking 85o. if he is barreling such an aggro range, then c/c vs him is going to be fine - yes overcards will fall that hit parts of his range, but you are suggesting that he would barrel with a very high frequency...so caling off 2-3 streets on certain (non-spade) runouts should be great!also, c/r is a much better option than donking. this is a board he is going to cbet near 100% of the time, so we should absolutely never donk this board (unless it is to level villain, and we have great reads that it will). there is just way too much value in a c/r, and honestly if villain is going to level himself facing a donkbet he's likely to level himself vs a c/r just as much...and it will prob cost him more chips overall. so ya, really don't like the donk. when you donk here it where you can't c/r bluff too (if you show down your 5X, bc villain is thinking). i would c/r tho. villain will likely feel he has to continue with a lot of A/Q high hands with so many possible flush combos/bluffs in your range. if flatted, i would jam non-spade turns.c/r>c/c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>donkbet>>c/f vs most thinking players thoc/c>>>c/r>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>donkbet vs most fish fwiw 

jackoneill's picture
Hitting 2nd pair against tight reg

Only have 48 hands against her, she raised her button 11 out of 23 times, we've seen a flop 4 times and she cbet every single time.  She also 3bet me 6 of 13 times, so she's definitely not passive.Even though it's just a very small samplesize, is it safe to assume here that her opening frequency isn't anywhere above 65% here?  So flatting should have a much better expectation than jamming.How about this flop, check/jam against her cbet ?  In hindsight, I really don't like check/calling here very much because I pretty much turn my hand face up to weak SDV.No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$98.12+$1.88 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero360  SBC.K.640  Effective Stacks: 18bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is BB C.K. raises to 40, Hero calls 20   Flop (80, 2 players) Hero checks, C.K. bets 40, Hero calls 40   Turn (160, 2 players) Hero checks, C.K. bets 80 

hokiegreg's picture
In the first match, I

In the first match, I limp/called T6o for about 20bb and jammed a T-high flop, he had me outkicked but I sucked out on him.  Then the "K5K incident" happened.  This was the third match and I thought that he might perceive me as "crazy" / spewyT6o is a pretty bad hand to limp/call. worst offsuit T i can see limp calling is T8o, prob flat T7o vs a small raise size tho. I decided to delay cbet here on a board that should hit his oop calling range a decent amount.he misses this board a lot too. if he is c/r you a decent amt i like a check back, otherwise i'm just cbetting.KT: if you flat his 3b i seriously doubt he continues bluffs on the river given that it's soooo unlikely you will ever fold river...so basically a flat just gives him free equity. i like the way you played the turn as played.A3: honestly, the turn c/mr over a double barrel on a wet board line is so strong i think folding the turn is best. i think you hardly ever see bluffs here.T9: just c/c flop. yes, you have reasonable equity vs a lot of hands, but not vs the range villain is going to stack off with. when you think about all the straights/combo draws that have blockers to you, etc - you really arent doing that great and flatting should definitely show better expectation.  T9o: if you've only seen him check back that 1 AQX board, i don't think thats enough reason to assume he isnt cbetting wide. if you've seen him check back several boards that most players tend to cbet a lot, then that is different.i would donk value (QX+) and draws that don't c/c well K9 T8 89...but really that's it tbh. when he checks back that should tell you his range is relatively weak, so i'd just lead a lot of turns with any kind of equity basically.

hokiegreg's picture
Q7: ya i would just c/f turn.

Q7: ya i would just c/f turn. her pfr range is quite strong and someone that raises 11 of 23 buttons probably isn't the type to barrel very aggro post. 

jackoneill's picture
Holding QJo for 9bb next hand

This was the next hand; she 3bet 6/13 times so far.No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$98.12+$1.88 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero280  BBC.K.720  Effective Stacks: 9bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero calls 15, C.K. checks    Flop (60, 2 players) C.K. checks, Hero bets 30, C.K. folds    Final Pot: 90

hokiegreg's picture
QJ: eww, i would basically

QJ: eww, i would basically never limp QJ this short (not at 12-13 deep either). super super easy mr/call. would be mr/calling J9s/JTo type Q8s too! if she is 3betting wide, this is the type of hands that dominates hands in a 3bet bluffing range.

jackoneill's picture
She folded her next button,

She folded her next button, this was the hand right after that. Good idea to have a mr/folding range at this stack depth against a reg immediately after I limped the previous button ?No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$98.12+$1.88 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero325  BBC.K.675  Effective Stacks: 11bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to 60, C.K. goes all-in 675, Hero folds   Final Pot: 735 

jackoneill's picture
A3o against ~56% opening non-reg

This one was against a non-reg ... and I just got a bit confused about PT4's HUD stats in the replayer. SB VPIP is 50% (31/62) and PFR is 33% (30/92). I double checked that both values are only for the SB - no idea why it has 62 hands for VPIP and 92 for PFR. When switching to lifetime stats, I suddenly only get 86 hand with 48 opened and 1 limped. Was thinking about checking this turn as the Ace should be a reasonable scarecard to delay-cbet-bluff on, but can I c/r without making my hand look super strong. And I think my river sizing was way too big.No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$98.12+$1.88 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBNightr0x540  BBHero460  Effective Stacks: 23bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is BB Nightr0x raises to 40, Hero calls 20   Flop (80, 2 players) Hero checks, Nightr0x checks   Turn (80, 2 players) Hero bets 40, Nightr0x calls 40   River (160, 2 players) Hero bets 100, Nightr0x folds   Final Pot: 260 

jackoneill's picture
Ok, the PFR problem seems to

Ok, the PFR problem seems to get fixed by using "PFR - Legaxy edition (PT3)" instead of "PFR" in the HUD.

hokiegreg's picture
Q4:. it's a good idea to have

Q4:. it's a good idea to have a mr/folding range in general, vs most players not just regs. even if you had mr the QJ, i'd still mr the Q4A3: i would probably just chk the turn as this is a turn most players are going to delay cbet with a huge amount of hands. it's going to be hard for you to bet/bet and get value from worse kind, and minimizes losses a lot when you run into better AX 

jackoneill's picture
Turned top pair against tight player

This guy has very bad stats on SS and I had a very old note saying "very tight oop", but no reads in this match yet.What's the weakest hand to value-jam otr - would I ever bluff here ?No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$98.12+$1.88 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero450  BBVigo Badoux550  Effective Stacks: 23bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to 40, Vigo Badoux calls 20   Flop (80, 2 players) Vigo Badoux checks, Hero bets 40, Vigo Badoux calls 40   Turn (160, 2 players) Vigo Badoux checks, Hero bets 100, Vigo Badoux calls 100   River (360, 2 players) Vigo Badoux checks, Hero goes all-in 270, Vigo Badoux calls 270   Final Pot: 900 

jackoneill's picture
About that QJ and mr/fold against C.K.

QJ: eww, i would basically never limp QJ this short (not at 12-13 deep either). super super easy mr/call. would be mr/calling J9s/JTo type Q8s too! if she is 3betting wide, this is the type of hands that dominates hands in a 3bet bluffing range

What's the maximum stack depth where you would mr/call this against her ?If I did open that hand and she folded, then I would have opened every single button in that game - shouldn't that at some point make her more inclined to 3bet-jam lighter against me, especially considering that she already did 3bet me quite often ?I usually would have auto-folded any hand that I'm not willing to continue with, but maybe that's a leak.  Fwiw., I'm not really opening 100% against her, there's still a ton of junk that I'm folding - Q4o is just one of those hand that I'd usually minraise/fold at this stack depth, but not sure since she must perceive me as opening super super wide.

jackoneill's picture
Weak tp on paired board against good reg

This guy is a good reg, first hand of the match.I decided to just flat his c/r to keep bluffs and draws in his range expecting him to fire a 2nd barrel on a lot of turns.On the turn, I wasn't sure between flatting and jamming - but it really isn't such a great card to bluff at.Once that river card hit, all draws got there, he can easily have a better Queen and I don't really see him have any bluffs here.  I flatted the turn with the intention of stacking off, but this is one of the worst cards in the deck.No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$98.12+$1.88 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero500  BBAtomfred500  Effective Stacks: 25bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to 40, Atomfred calls 20   Flop (80, 2 players) Atomfred checks, Hero bets 25, Atomfred raises to 85, Hero calls 60   Turn (250, 2 players) Atomfred bets 110, Hero calls 110   River (470, 2 players) Atomfred goes all-in 265, Hero ...   
