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nickj7777's picture
just saying thank you

in august, i joined for two months right before the site switch the subscription format. i was roughly a 3.5-4.5% at the hyper 15s. since then my ROI EV has been 9.15% through 5400 games and my last 1600 games at hyper 21s its been 11.8% EV.
thanks for putting out quality vids that improved my game and provided me with alot of valuable insight.

Barrin's picture
Congratz. Either way. You

Congratz. Either way. You should be prepared to see your EV Roi go down eventually.


RyPac13's picture
Those are some sick numbers,

Those are some sick numbers, really glad to hear that, keep up the good work.
It sounds like you might be making videos here in the near future!