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bizzar3's picture
KJs vs pokerVT instructor

  PokerStars Game #64115644092: Tournament #410743057, $14.39+$0.61 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level I (10/20) - 2011/07/04 6:06:38 CET [2011/07/04 0:06:38 ET]Table '410743057 1' 2-max Seat #1 is the buttonSeat 1: abarone68 (1620 in chips) Seat 2: bizzar3 (1380 in chips) abarone68: posts small blind 10bizzar3: posts big blind 20*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to bizzar3 [Js Ks]abarone68: raises 20 to 40bizzar3: calls 20*** FLOP *** [Td Jd 2s]bizzar3: checks abarone68: bets 40bizzar3: raises 120 to 160abarone68: calls 120*** TURN *** [Td Jd 2s] [6d]bizzar3: bets 250abarone68: calls 250*** RIVER *** [Td Jd 2s 6d] [Qs]bizzar3: checks abarone68: bets 1170 and is all-inbizzar3: folds Uncalled bet (1170) returned to abarone68abarone68 collected 900 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 900 | Rake 0 Board [Td Jd 2s 6d Qs]Seat 1: abarone68 (button) (small blind) collected (900)Seat 2: bizzar3 (big blind) folded on the River I haven't had much info yet, now I would snapcall, he had probably something like A3o...I can't imagine a hand, which makes sense with this line, I think he would 3bet flop with his fd or KQ,JQ,JT hands. Also I think he would bet smaller with his 2pair/set, 

my5tyle's picture
easy bet/fold river

easy bet/fold river

bizzar3's picture
why bet? value?bluff? doesn't

why bet? value?bluff? doesn't make sense to me

itsgotmetoo's picture
A scare card hits, and he

A scare card hits, and he bets it big. Unless you know of a reason he might be doing this to you for value, it looks pretty bluffy to me.edit: The only thing I can kind of see maybe, is a flush that's trying to pick off some value from your bluff catchers.

Mika's picture
Lol everything got there..

Lol everything got there.. He's not calling the turn for fun .

mgl's picture
With these stacks i think a

With these stacks i think a good player has almost zero draws in his flop 3bet range.