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sir_lanka's picture
Limping againt loose players

What are your thoughts about limping against players who never folds to a 2,5x raise? Only do it against players who 3bets alot? Keep raising pre if opponent checkfolds alot on the flop? Shold I limp all playable hand or raise some hands. I guess I can raise my stong hands and limp my decent hands if he´s a fish who doesn´t adjust and doesnt attack my limps. Can I do it 75 bb deep or only under 30 etc. I want to hear what you think.

batman's picture
Maybe limp middling hands

Maybe limp middling hands that can't stand a 3-bet, raise for value pre flop and call/raise 3-bets lighter than you normally would. Maybe mix in a couple of 3-bet bluffs if you have a tight image.Not sure about how you would approach this differently 75BB deep as I only play hypers