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Roamus's picture
Looking for peoples to discuss on MSN

Hi, I'm a heads up SnG turbo player, I've made over 5000$ playing the 33$-55$ stakes, I'm looking for people to discuss with on MSN about strategy and we could rail each other. If you're interested, write there your Full Tilt Account so I can sharkscope you (I'm only taking winning players and full tilt players, sorry for those playing on PS)My english is not the best cause my real language is french but has you can see you all can understand me well (I hope so :P )If I find you are a winning player and serious player, I'll send you a private message :)Btw, for fun we could team up anytime at the shoutout 4players. (I don't know if it has been banned, I don't think so)/RoamusEDIT: Any speed: regular-turbo-superturbo, but I prefer you to be turbo :)

TravisD92's picture
Hey if you got skype pm your

Hey if you got skype pm your skype name and I'll add you.