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RRReyeMMM's picture

Hey,I really cant understand how someone have a roi 20% at hu reg speed.There is hard to see at their stats loose that players 3 times in the row.I dont believe that its possible to have that winrate without beeing extremly lucky.What are those guys cheaters? Or they was born under lucky star? 

RyPac13's picture
Give us some examples of

Give us some examples of screen names so we can take a look at their sample sizes and such.20% ROI at regular speeds is not unheard of.  The newer structure on Stars is faster, so it's likely not as easy as it used to be, but should still be possible over long samples by skilled players (less so in the higher stakes).Of course, 200-500 game samples that have very high ROIs like that are more likely to be due, in some part, to friendly variance (heater).

RRReyeMMM's picture
For example "jmill2525x".Lets

For example "jmill2525x".Lets check his stats at pokerstars before black friday...

adastfe's picture
Janekaaa. He's a machine.

Janekaaa. He's a machine. Plays multiple tables and has sick stats. I wonder if he offers coaching. 

RyPac13's picture
jmill2525x hasn't played

jmill2525x hasn't played since black friday.  When he did play, the regular speeds on PokerStars were 10 minute blind levels.  20-25% ROIs at the $20 level were definitely not unheard of at all in that slow of a structure (lots of time at deeper effective stacks, lots of time to find high edge ways to exploit your opponents).Janekaaa is obviously an incredibly good player that is doing something a lot better than 20% ROIs in the $20s, at least in my opinion.

RRReyeMMM's picture
Thanks Ryan...But I dont

Thanks Ryan...But I dont think that its possible to exploit people with a roi 20% at that structure...He cant lost more then 2 times in the row...You know how many things there is like variance and so...But ff he allways is with a KQ against KJ on board K86 then yeah its possible to have roi 20%.Next example is friend of mine and he is really terrible player what dont understand even basics but with a roi 11% at turbos...I feel like in absurditan while watching his retard play and listening to his confident shits what he is talking about...But still he have 11% roi because his real skill is to turn stupid move into lucky +ev suckout...ok gl I am tired of poker

dinamozg's picture
Hmmm I don't play reg speeds

Hmmm I don't play reg speeds but its same with levels like on turbos. They last shorter but there is more levels than before and I think avarage time of my matches is longer than before. For turbos and for regs it takes longer to come on 50/100 level now so I'm not so sure that now is harder to mantain high ROI

RyPac13's picture
Sorry to hear of your runbad

Sorry to hear of your runbad Rye.20% ROI is definitely possible though.  That is winning 2 out of every 3 games just about (probably a bit less even, I'd guess 62-63% winrate off hand).  But he obviously loses more than 2 games in a row sometimes due to variance (sharkscope his "longest winning/losing streaks" to see that).Over the years I have seen people I felt were terrible make a lot of money at times, every player has.  I've come to realize that these players are often doing something good that I don't recognize or properly value.  Another common thing is looking at their faults and not realizing that their leaks are not that bad (also, a leak isn't really a leak if it's not being exploited.... for example, if a guy is check raise shoving 100% of flops deep but I'm still folding 95% of the time, a good player would tell me "that guy has a huge leak, he CR shoves every flop" but I wouldn't be exploiting that leak unless I played back).In the end, hold yourself accountable, improve your own game, don't dwell on variance or other player's successes.  Use them for inspiration.  Use them for motivation.  But don't be jealous, there's nothing good that comes out of that.

RRReyeMMM's picture
I dont understand absolutly

I dont understand absolutly what?adjustments?? My adjustment against station is open AQ 6bb, station call (with any two btw) flop A38 I 3 barrel and morons hand is A3!!!Where is value from worse Aces?Players with 20% roi would probably check for pot control if they never loose more than 2 times in a row...Poker is such a joke omg...I see allways making villains retarded stuff and I everytime tell myself "ok I was suckouted or coolered but will get value in the future spots" and now I am asking where the hell is that spots?

RyPac13's picture
It sounds like you need to

It sounds like you need to take a break.Clearly AQ will beat A3 a majority of the time.I mean, if it's really like you say, and they just always suck out on you, then the correct answer is to stop playing, because you cannot win when the opponent outdraws you every time.I've yet to see any evidence of that ever happening in the history of online poker though.  Even the cheating at UB, the cheaters didn't outdraw anybody (they just saw hole cards and bluffed them/hero called them).

RRReyeMMM's picture
You know for me is so hard to

You know for me is so hard to understand concept of adjusting players:( If I want to adjust then I need to know what probably villain is thinking...So today I started to think about villain and his lines that it is me and my lines and what each move mean in my own game(I guess that most of the time everyone play the same spots the same way at low stakes but maybe I am wrong? not including maniacs)...For example if villain cbet on board  AQ4,turn is 8 and villain check (that in my own game means that I have an air most of the time) so I need to bet half pot and villain fold often...But I dont know maybe I really need a break...:(

Marzipannase's picture
If you can afford it take Cog

If you can afford it take Cog Dissonances Basic Course. He really teaches you how to adjust to different players (types).


hotrock's picture
man its all about a bitta run

man its all about a bitta run good at the right time serious anyone hittting 20roi anyway def

RRReyeMMM's picture
Thanks Marzipannase but I

Thanks Marzipannase but I dont think that "basic course" will help me with my problem...90% of fish already know those basics...

hotrock's picture
""90% of fish already know

""90% of fish already know those basics"" haha the day that happens is the day i throw the towel in on husng's just wont be the same anymore

Valuelol's picture
knowing the basics or

knowing the basics or practizing them are two different pairs of shoes

RRReyeMMM's picture
Yeah everytime I play I feel

Yeah everytime I play I feel like those fish know something...In videos or poker forums I see all the time"its easy to beat low-mid stakes I just bet here and fish will call there" but in reality I value bet here fish fold,I bluf there fish call,I stop and go with AJ fish call and flop straight with 108...

hotrock's picture
Yeah everytime I play I feel

"""""""Yeah everytime I play I feel like those fish know something...In videos or poker forums I see all the time"its easy to beat low-mid stakes I just bet here and fish will call there" but in reality I value bet here fish fold,I bluf there fish call,I stop and go with AJ fish call and flop straight with 108..."""""" (RRReyeMMM comment) hahaha volume kid volume!!!!!!!!!!!

Marzipannase's picture
obv you need to work on the

obv you need to work on the right adjustments against the different players. To know against who and on what boards it is best to valuebet or if it is better to potcontrol.  Against who it is better to bluffinduce. And what are good spots to bluff.The lowstakes are easy to beat when you know what and when to do on a very basic level. Its really not rocket science.


RRReyeMMM's picture
OK I am ready for coaching by

OK I am ready for coaching by you if it is so easy to beat 15-30s?Beat imo means 10-12% roi... What is your hourly?

Marzipannase's picture
I guess Rypac would not be

I guess Rypac would not be too happy if I offered coaching here publicly.


RyPac13's picture
Go ahead, you've been helpful

Go ahead, you've been helpful in this thread.Generally I just like to respect that the contributing coaches have their pages up here and it is an integral part of many of our coaches on this site, so it's not something I want to hurt or reduce for them without a good reason.But that is general, and you provided value in this thread, so go ahead.

RyPac13's picture
And I'd be happy to see

And I'd be happy to see RRReye posting positive sessions/experiences.

hotrock's picture
why RyPac13 why 13??? btw i

why RyPac13 why 13???btw i love this site you class poker entrepreneur.sory if you did a well i missed it :( 

Marzipannase's picture
RRReyeMMM, contact me if you

RRReyeMMM, contact me if you want at: casinoschwani [ at ] googlemail [ dot ] comThere I can give u my sn's so you can see my results and we can talk what coaching format is best for you and so on.I dont have much coaching experience though aside from helping friends I guess $25 first hour so you can see if you can learn something from me is fair and $50/hour from the 2nd hour on
