In his personal thread, ServerBTest asked:In your 33th vid a hand happend between you and a think playerFull stacksBlinds 10/20Hero SB (1430) raises to 60Villain BB (1540) raises to 180Hero 4bets to 390Villain shoves You said people overshoves too much in these spots... against a thinking player you think is best to make a small 4bet because his 5betshove range is wider than his 4betshove calling range. Obv this does makes sense but even if he shoves bluffs, he would shoves bluff hands that we are flipping with like JT, even Q8 would be a flip. Obv in his range there are all the PPs, with crush four PPs while we are crushed vs other PP. So our 4bet doesn't induce anything good for my perspective... Am I missing something?It's interesting to look back at my thought process 6 months ago. I think there should never be a 6 month period in your career where you dont improve strategically...i would say their hasn't been for me. I was definitely on the right track with my thought process here, but I have a better understanding of what I was trying to get towards in that video now :)What I said in the video was basically: Non-all in 4betting will induce thinking players to 5bet shove a wider range (because the thinking player knows I am capable of 4bet bluffing). There is a lot more to mention about this than I go to in the video though, and some problems that can arise that I didn't realize at the time (I had leakz!):When facing a 3bet, we need to ask ourselves a series of questions...- Does villain 3bet wide enough and fold to 4bets enough to justify having a 4bet bluffing range? If yes, then we need to decide whether we are going to make a non-all in (non-committing) 4bet or are we going to just overbet jam.- Is villain the type to flat a non-committing 4bet?Many thinking players make the mistake of absolutely never flatting a 4bet from 180 to 340 at 1400 stacks. This is a huge leak. If they just would take their KQ/T9s/J8s/JT (assuming they think we are 4bet bluffing somewhat frequently) makes non-allin 4bet bluffing A TON harder for us because our 4bet bluffing range (weak AX/weak KXs/some 86s) continues terribly versus that flatting range. We will be a lot more inclined to not have a non-allin 4betting range then, and our bluffs will be more weighted to overbet jams with A2-A9 etc (card removal).So if he never flats, we can non-all in 4bet comfortably. If villain does flat, non-ai 4bet bluffs are going to have much worse expectation postflop and we will 4bet-jam with card removal more frequently.- Is it likely that villain thinks we are capable of non-all in 4bet bluffing?You can figure this out by the frequency/range that villain plays back at your non-ai 4bets with, your general perception of how he views you in other ways (does he think you are capable in a lot of spots postflop? then he prob thinks ur capable of 4bet bluffing). If villain does not think we are capable of 4bet bluffing, then we can be super exploitable and have no value in our non-allin 4betting range. We can weight our entire range to bluffs, and expect him to play fit or fold with his 5betting range since he doesn't know we are capable.If villain does tihnk we are capable of 4bet bluffing non-ai, then we need to be less exploitable and have a more balanced range for our non-ai 4bet bluffs (again, this is vs the typical villain that doesn't flat non-ai 4bets nearly enough). If villain truly never flats, and we can expect his 5bet jamming range to be wider than the norm, then my entire value range is non-allin 4bets - as well as a bluffing range to balance it. All of our hands, 55/AK/99/AQ/etc all play best versus the widest ranges possible. If he never flats, and our 4bet induces a wider 5betting range, then we will be doing better vs that range than if we just overbet 4bet shoved and get called by a slightly tighter range (villains 5betting range has fold equity).So...Are villains frequencies wide enough to 4bet bluff?Does he flat non-ai 4bets?Does he think we are capable?A lot of villains respond to 4bets differently. I used to adapt too liberally to this non-ai 4bet strategy. I made too many assumptions about my villains, when I had the +ev (but maybe not maxEV...but I didnt know that yet) option of overbet jamming for value and with card removal bluffs. I would prefer some more specific reads on my opponents today to adapt toward this strategy, but I believe if villains leaks allow you to do it - non-ai 4betting will be a very +ev way to exploit your opponents.