HelloI'm currently playing 1.5 HT and I am a standard member. Are there any movies/articles that I can read regarding making use of HUD-stats? Like when to start paying attention to hud-stats, when to adjust and how etc.thanks
HelloI'm currently playing 1.5 HT and I am a standard member. Are there any movies/articles that I can read regarding making use of HUD-stats? Like when to start paying attention to hud-stats, when to adjust and how etc.thanks
http://www.husng.com/content/interpreting-small-sample-sizes-bayesian-es...this is Coffeeyays article on interpreting small smaple sizes could help you at least with something.
No need for a HUD at all @ 1.50
Take a look at some of Coffeeyay's videos from around August-September 2012, they should have some HUD analysis.