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Roamus's picture
Maniacs style just completed pwned me: but I still won the haha

Hi, I just played a 33$ turbo game versus a guy who were always betting, always raising, always everything. I got lucky that ive won the game since Ive got a ready nice read to call his air bluff with my pair of 2. But this guy was owning me, everytime I was betting he was raising, he played like he always had the nuts. I find it hard to play versus a guy like this when you never get a nice flop.  Someone have any tips? Normaly im playing aggresively, but versus a guy like this, im kind of a nits.

dzikijohnny's picture
Check out Primo's

Check out Primo's Intermediate Concepts video #1 about adjusting to a LAG.  And hope you get lucky, like when on 4bet me allin when I had AA and he had 72.  Of course, he got runner runner 7s but, oh well now I understand and can relate to Helmuth better.