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qattack's picture
Member Video (Microstakes, Beginning HU sng player)

Hello everyone, i joined husng.com last week and am having a great time. I've been playing poker for a long time, but never seriously played HU. Before I joined this site, I had no clue about correct HU strategy.I made a Popopop Universal Replayer video of an interesting match I played earlier today...at $2.20 stakes.Even though I am an experienced player (in other forms of holdem) and have a hefty bankroll, I am starting at microstakes and forcing myself to earn a bankroll for the next stakes level before progressing, so I can get a good dose of each player type.I would very much appreciate any comments anyone has about the hands, whether from experienced or inexperienced players.Thank you!Here is the video link:  http://depositfiles.com/files/70bg559zmP.S. This is my first-ever video and I have not found good settings and/or codecs to use with Camstudio. Therefore, the video and sound quality is slightly bad. Actually, the original file was 330 MB and I had to use a video conversion program to reduce the size under 30 MB.  This cause a bit of audio loss. If anyone has suggestions for recording poker videos in Camstudio, they would be greatly appreciated!

MadZat's picture
Nice Vid. I'm also new at

Nice Vid. I'm also new at HUSNG.com but already been playing husngs for 18 months now. Please excuse my bad english but here are some points.8min A8s: I don't think checking back the turn was a mistake. You got a cheap showdown and it was unlikely that he moves to value town here. And turning A-high into a bluff is not a kind of play I would prefer at these stakes.10min 77: Imo either calling and folding is reasonable. For meta-game i would prefer calling but based on ev folding is the best option I guess11min Q9o: I don't know how much chips I already accumulated just by raising small to donkbets on paired boards. I like it.12min 44: I might have floated.13min 88: I also love these less half-pot block bets on the turn. Good job.22min Q9: I would have bluffed with just 160 Chips hereA great example of how a match turns upside down. I often see myself making mistakes under these circumstances due to the pressure and you did too with the 44. Even though it might have been unexploitable it was definatly not optimal from the ev point of view. Min-raise/fold would have been the better option imo.Until this point you did pretty well from my point of view. Good luck and see you at the tables   

qattack's picture
Hi MadZat, and thank you for

Hi MadZat, and thank you for your reply...Never worry about your English, and you should not ever need to apologize. The members of this forum are from around the world and all seem very educated and reasonable. If English is not your first language, then you are doing much better than 90% of us who don't know another language. I spent a few years in the Philippines and people there were often embarrassed about speaking in English to me. I always tell them that they are doing much better than me, since they knew English and I don't know Tagalog (their main language). Anyway, your English is great.Some comments about the hands you mentioned:A8s  If I bet, I'm pretty much only worried about getting called by a 9 or 6. If my opponent has a T here, then I am giving him a free draw. Also, if he folds any other hand, I am avoiding giving at least six other free outs. In this case, he had ten outs or a 23% chance to hit. I don't believe that he will be playing back at me if I bet, but I could be wrong. I guess low pocket pairs are also in his range, so I still am undecided.77 I'm still unsure about this hand...if he is bluffing more than 23.1% of the time, then it is correct for me to call.44 Yes, perhaps I should float, but every turn card is bad (except a 4 or 5, as shown by the game-winning hand! haha), and I cannot stand a turn bet. I have a lead with deep stacks and I think I can find a better spot.Q9o Yes, 160 would have been a better size. If he's calling 160, he's probably calling 200.I wouldn't say the 44 hand that I pushed was due to pressure...I was just being a donk like all the other players at these stakes and not stopping to think it through. :)Thanks again for your review. Hope to see you around.