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knockonwood's picture
Mersenneary's early end game videos still accurate/relevant?

I was watching Mers video 68 where he say's that a lot of the things he said in his early end game vids were in fact wrong, particuarly his end game 6 video. Mersenneary or anyone else, can you let us know if we should follow your advice for end game situations in later vids such as the BB video number 17, or just trust the advice on your most recent vids, say from vid 42 onwards which I think is about the same time the ebook with correct end game advice was written. Cheers

mersenneary's picture
This question is similar in

This question is similar in form to the question of, "how much of a sample do I need to start adjusting to an opponent who seems to be opening wide?". Sometimes, people make the mistake of thinking there's some line where if your opponent crosses it you should start changing your play, when really, it's a spectrum and the very first hand your opponent raises or 3bets or whatever, you should be making slight adjustments, getting gradually more and more away from what you'd do against population tendencies. Even my most recent video, you should be looking for areas where I might be wrong. As you go backwards, individual claims become more and more likely to be outdated, as I pointed out in the video that rips mersenneary video 1 a new orifice. That said, I think a lot of the older stuff is still good content. I re-watched part of an early video today and was happily surprised that I didn't disagree with a crazy amount of it. The BB video you mention in particular I think is pretty good. I even still like aspects of video 1. The foundation of looking at the multiple options at your disposal and evaluating which one is best based on various villain tendencies is a great one, even if imprecisely applied.