Hello, my name is Alex i'm 24 y.o and i'm from Romania.I play poker for 3-4 years as Savu I Alex on pokerstars.
I made a challenge thread on a romanian poker forum and i was thinking to open one here aswell since this is an exclusive HU forum.
In those 4 years of poker i played all poker formats but nothing serious.Last year i had an attempt to play HU hypers seriously, had 5% ROI over 1500 games @ $1.5 but had to withdraw at some point and i had to give up.
This year the things are different, discipline wise!I'll study more and i wont withdraw till i get to 7$ stake, where i think i'll withdraw 1/2 of the earnings at 3% roi, monthly.Not sure if it's ok, bit we'll see when we get there.
So, i started playing seriously in 3rd January(this year) at $1.5 with a $250 bankroll.In 4 days i made around ~$60 and i was thinking to move up to $3.5 since i've red on the forums that there is no difference between those stakes-field wise.
Saturday i moved to $3.5 but o had really bad runs and started to play bad aswell.My main mistake was rematching funplayers that put the stack in behind and manage to get there.Also when my game drops to B or C game and lose focus i was continueing playing and made bad moves and huge mistakes.
This being said, i'll start with my goals:
Main goal, as the title says, is to make a living from HU's.At the moment i'm working 8hours/day mon-friday as sales representatvi so my volume wont be great.
As daily goals i have:
*50-100 games with 100% focus, 100% my A game; quality > quantity.
*1 hour of reading treads/articles on Husng, easy task, i can do it from my job.
*1 video/day
*review atleast 10 games from previous session.
I'll try to update this challenge daily with graphs nd daily goal progress.I'll also make a update when i get home with my jurney so far, like last 7 days of play!
Here i need your help, what would you like to see on my daily updates?
Good luck and sorry for my bad enlish !
No just fucking no.
But if you wanna do it, learn to study your poker for real. Every game you lose should potentally be a review hand to hand. Why? Because you prob have leaks that are fucking huge, and volume is shit if you can't stop yourself from leaking.
1. Learn all the math.
2. Buy some good books (like Will Tiptons) learn them. Implent then. Practice them.
3. Review review review.
4. Now go make your living.
Student who eventually gonna crush. Just learning. PM if u need a analyze-buddy.