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sabzi's picture
Most profitable hours to play

as of 1 month ago, ive decided to play hu sngs regularly as a source of income.
I have been exploring the different hours of day in attempt to find the most profitable hours with the least regs and most randoms or fish. I have yet found the formula. although during late hours US time (2:00 am to 8:00 am) there are a lot of American fishy players, these are hours where many euro regs do play. I still feel like these dead hours are the best but im not sure. I think that I run into a lot more trouble during US afternoon and evenning time. BTW its important to mention i play the 34.5 games. I guess the stakes could also make a difference. 
I would appreciate other peoples insight into this quiestion. 
By the way as a new subscrber to SNG.com im very happy with the site and learnning a lot. At the same time, I would like to know what benefits i would get from continuing to remain a subscriber after ive downloaded all the movies. 

RyPac13's picture
I think weekend nights for

I think weekend nights for American time (such as 9pm EST until at least 2-3am EST) are by far the most profitable hours to play.

If you're serious about maximizing your profitability and don't have anything else more important to do at those times, I would suggest playing those hours every week.  It's just fish after fish after fish when I play around those times, and I don't even usually play after 12pm EST, when the games seem to get even fishier (drunk fish imo).

I usually play during the day and get a decent mix of fish, degenerates and marginal players that would be winning a level or two below where we're playing.  Once in awhile I get a reg too, but over half the time it seems to be us sitting at the same time.

Either way, day time is still plenty fishy to play, but weekend nights seem to be the sickest days for profit potential.

Sunday late night and Monday nights are the worst nights as well, there never seems to be much action above $110 on those nights and often times even the $110s are jammed with regs having to wait 5-15 minutes just to get a match.

sabzi's picture
Thx Rypac and by the way im

Thx Rypac and by the way im a big fan of your Videos and wish there were more. there arent enough

RyPac13's picture
Thank you. There will be

Thank you.

There will be more soon, I have a few "series" planned.