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pocaja's picture
motivated player for a coaching/stake deal transitioning the mid/high stakes hypers

I'm playing the 30's hypers, started from the 8's 3 months ago.
My intention is to move up quickly but well rolled.
I'm super serious and motivated in everything related to poker.

These are my stats as reported by sharkscope:
4000 games - avg.by 15 dollars - ROI 6% - profit 2700 dollars

Any coach with experience in hypers can contact me.


cog dissonance's picture
Whats your sn please?

Whats your sn please?

Skype/AIM- cogdissonance1

pocaja's picture
I will send you an e-mail

I will send you an e-mail with my details.

Barrin's picture
I had the hyper coaching with

I had the hyper coaching with COG and here you can find my review: http://www.husng.com/content/cog-dissonance-private-coaching-feedback  
