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n1te1337's picture
Moving up in stakes


Ive played husng regular speed for a few months. I played a little bit at 20$ where my ROI was over 20% then I moved up to 30$ where I was a solid winner  too (ROI 16% after 900 games). Some time ago I decided to start playing at 50$ and after 240 games my ROI at this level is -5%. My question is if there is really such a big difference between 30 and 50 level  and I should move back down or is it possible that I only run that bad?


RyPac13's picture
It's quite possible you were

It's quite possible you were running hot to begin with and now are running bad as well.
I'd still look at it as a "I need to focus and improve my game more" type of lesson and just move back into the $30s, get comfortable and take some more shots at the $50s.  If bankroll and short term profit are of no concern to you, take some shots at the $50s sooner than you otherwise would.
The games shouldn't be much tougher unless you're talking about a time period of 1-2 years between your dominance in the $30s and lack of success in the $50s. 
I suspect it's a little bit of opposite variance in the two stakes combined with worse play by you in the $50s than the $30s, but it's definitely possible that one of these factors is happening the most, almost impossible to tell from here though.
240 games isn't a great deal of games but 16% ROis over 900 games in regular speeds is a pretty solid stat line for you and would lead me to believe that even if you were running a little hot, you can definitely beat the $50s for at least a 5% ROI.

n1te1337's picture
Thanks for the answer

I'll play for one or two months the $30s, 2 table a little bit, and maybe try some turbos.