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freakshow's picture
From MTTs to HUsngs adjusting

Greetings Boards, I have been doing 180's almost exclusively and have been working on building my roll to move up.  Then I had a wonderful idea (or perhaps a horrible one), to learn HU sngs.   I have been playing these at the 1$ level and so far I am 2-3 but I think I should be 4-1 I am playing terrible.  I find myself having trouble adjusting and too often find myself in bloated pots.  If these bloated pots are lost I switch to a very hyper agro mindset and go push botting.  I don't like what I am doing because the whole purpose for me playing Hu sngs was to learn to play post flop better and read better.  Push botting is something I have had to really ingrain in myself in order to beat 180's so its a conflict of interest of sorts. Has anyone else had a similar experience or difficulty adjusting coming from MTTs? and if so whats a good way to manage the transition?

dhcg86's picture
the videos on this website

the videos on this website the best thing to use when starting out. HUSNG work very well for me, but you may find them a bit more difficult than 180 man's ( by quality of player that is) 

waldie191's picture
Sign up for a standard

Sign up for a standard membership on this site.  Then watch hokiegreg's introductory videos(2 i believe).  A lot of things will seem very basic ect. but dont underestimate the importance of these concepts.  Once you feel you have a grasp on that, watch hokie's intermediate videos (they're all in a series).  This will help you with board textures, opponents OOP calling ranges ect.  These concepts alone will help you be successful up to at least the 20$ buy-ins imo.  Once you get confortable with those concepts, I would contact rypac, or hokie about coaching.  I found these introductory videos to be very helpful when I was at that stage.  They also help you understand more advanced concepts applied in most of the videos you'll find on the site. Btw, i may be wrong, but beating the 1$ HU's is going to be very difficult.  The rake on them is killer and you'd have to be very solid to break even imo.  The competition is pretty fishy in the 20$ish range, and you'll see why once you start to watch some of the videos. gl

Diceman's picture
imo the $1 HUSNGs are totally

imo the $1 HUSNGs are totally beatable. You are right that the rake is higher but the competition is normally very, very bad which should more than compensate for the rake if you have strong fundamentals--like waldie said, watch videos. gl though

Mohegansunriver's picture
"Btw, i may be wrong, but

"Btw, i may be wrong, but beating the 1$ HU's is going to be very difficult."I think ryan, fydor, big tuna, tried2warn and the rest of the gang just face palmed. 

ITRIED2WARNU's picture
The $1 tournaments are

The $1 tournaments are certainly beatable (if not maybe more so as a result of people not caring, etc).  You would just be facing player types that some may not be used to or see in the videos.  Is there interest in seeing some $1 tournaments (turbo or reg)?


My Coaching Page

RyPac13's picture
Mohegan :) He meant it would

Mohegan :)He meant it would be difficult due to the rake being 2x the % as other games, I believe.While it probably makes it tougher to beat for many, especially those that aren't ready to move up to the $5s (bankroll wise), it should still be beatable for newer players.

freakshow's picture
Hey guys thnx for all the

Hey guys thnx for all the responses. Small update I have dinked around in the 1 dollars here and there but I haven't played that many yet I am still putting in more volume at MTTs.  That said I have watched primo's introduction and that got me off to a great start I will have to check out hokiegregs next.