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my 4 best free softwares for HU


Here are my favorite  free software 

PokerLuckMeter  http://pokerluckmeter.com

 It allows you to quickly determine how much luck you had while playing online poker. Simply upload your hand history and the PokerLuckMeter will output your luck analysis. It does this by using a range of statistical algorithms to show your 'luck factor'. This factor is a number on a scale from 0 (extremely unlucky) to 100 (extremely lucky). The site will also show you how much money you were expected to make vs how much you have actually made during a given online poker session. 

Poker Potiie    http://www.pokerpotjie.com

Poker Potjie is much more than just a free odds calculator. It efficiently shows you your equity against opponent's hand ranges as well as provides insight into what they are likely to be holding, helping you to really sharpen up your game.

It's a kind of free Fl opzilla http://www.stoxev.com/flopzilla/flopzilla.htm (flopzilla cost $25 )

Poker Replay  http://www.pokerhandreplays.com/  

Create animated replays of poker hands you've played online or offline

Popopop Player  http://www.universal-replayer.net/   The ultimate poker replayer tool

