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hotrock's picture
nash or chubukov for super turbos

I have been playing super turbos the last few weeks and  i use nash instead of chubukov when i get to about 11-12 BB. so therefore i will shove as low as j8off or 105suited when i get to 12 against pretty much any opponent unless they are a very passive player. i will also min raise boardways q10+ hoping for a push by worse and to keep in dominated hands.I noticed cog uses chubukov in his videos and seems to have a much more conservative pushing range than this.anyway question, Is this bad am i shoving too light? and also do ye like the min riase with the top of my range? thanks in advance.

dickrivers's picture
Nash is a balanced range, if

Nash is a balanced range, if you dont push the whole nash range you unbalance the range and can turn some push in EV- Push, chubukov is EV0 at worse regardless of your overall range so if you like to limp some and min raise some while pushing some others, chubukov is more likely what you need

Jack3d's picture
interesting topic...I'm

interesting topic...I'm recently started to play super turbos aswell, so its hard for me to tell, which one works better,  but at moment I'm using nash, maybe its because I'm used to it when I played 9-mans before I started HU games...Imo nash is good for pushing, but for calling I use a bit tighter range, than nash suggest unless I'm playing against very LAG player.

RyPac13's picture
That's generally a fine

That's generally a fine approach Jack, but you can often shove even wider than Nash (opponent dependent of course).