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errorpoker's picture
Nasty flop check/raise, what to do?
This is the second hand of a Normal Speed $1.50 HUSNG on PokerStars. I had never seen this guy before and had absolutely no reads ofc :) My question is that what should have I done after he check/raised me on the flop to maximize EV and minimize losses. Any feedback is highly appreciated.
PokerStars $1.38+$0.12 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t10/t20 Blinds - 2 players
BB: t1440                      72 BBs
Hero (BTN/SB): t1560     78 BBs
Pre Flop: (t30) Hero is BTN/SB with [8h Ts]
Hero raises to t60, BB calls t40
Flop: (t120) [2d 8s 3d] (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets t80, BB raises to t200, Hero raises to t1500 all in, BB calls t1180 all in
Turn: (t2880) [3c] (2 players - 2 are all in)
River: (t2880) [9d] (2 players - 2 are all in)
Final Pot: t2880
BB shows [Kc 8c] (two pair, Eights and Threes)
Hero shows [8h Ts] (two pair, Eights and Threes - lower kicker)
BB wins t2880
Barrin's picture

Your hand is weak.
You have no reads.
Effective stack is deep.
Even if he has a draw with 2 OCs you are not that good in shape. The best card you can hope for is a T and it should not be the T of diamonds. Even then, you easily could be up versus a set.


3onthego's picture
The first problem is that you

The first problem is that you raised x3 preflop with T8o.
The second problem is that the size of your cbet compounded the first problem.
You know you are probably beaten when he XR. The only legitimate hand that can XR here which you are ahead of is a lower pair with a flush draw but it is unlikely that he had a 2 or 3. 
But when you get XR you tell yourself that he could have some air in his range given the pot size has become worthy of a bluff XR.
Furthermore, when he XRs to 200 you only need to call 120 to compete for a pot of 280.
Although this doesn't give you the pot odds to hit your T going forward you also tell yourself that you are getting implied odds given his aggression on the flop.
So you have hit top pair, the pot is relatively big and, although you know you are probably behind, you convince yourself to call the XR.
The only reason I can see for then reraising him is that you feel he has air or a flush draw. However, it is more likely that he has an overpair or you out kicked.
Just don't 3x with T8o and cbet 75% of the pot readless. Especially when the board has a flush draw which pushes his hand to reraise you.