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Vingadero's picture
Need beta testers for a poker video library manager.

Hello , I'm working a new software to help on control of our poker video library. Requirements: -Time to test, and report any issue or feature request -Willing lost/re-import your test library, since its a beta, database may change... -Basic window settings Key features: -Import all video files of a given folder source -Write notes, and "Watched" indicator -Get video information from website -Filter by any given field If you interested, please PM me. Thx in advance!

Vingadero's picture
Hello, I cant see my

Hello,I cant see my PMs...So you interested send an email to poker@itminfo.com with subject Beta.Or post your contact info here.Regards!

RyPac13's picture
Only members can utilize PM

Only members can utilize PM settings, so definitely keep your email up there.Just to note to other users that read this (particularly businesses): This thread was discussed prior to being posted, just contact rypac13@husng.com if you have a similar interest and we'll talk about it before a thread goes up.

Vingadero's picture
Here a screen shot of current

Here a screen shot of current main window:http://poker.itminfo.com/upload/pvo3.jpg 

Vingadero's picture
Hello all I'm releasing a

Hello allI'm releasing a public beta now, you can download at:http://poker.itminfo.com/downloads/beta/ITMPVOSetupB3.exe Will be glad to hear your thoughts. Thx!

Vingadero's picture
Final version released at

Final version released at poker.itminfo.comThx to all beta testers.Thx to HUSNG.com