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metonezajima's picture
need coaching

Hi all, is there someone coaching hypers who would offer a reasoneble price for player moving from 15 to 30 buyin?  I am really dedicated to poker and want to move up as quick as possible. I would like to work on my game somewhat more consistantly than posting hands and spending hours on forum that I could spend playing. No offence to forum obv but I have work on daily basis and dont have that much time. I have checked some coaching offers here but really cant pay like 1/3 of my roll for the coaching even I am sure these guys are worth the money for sure. 
Thanks for suggestions 

Barrin's picture
First of all you should let

First of all you should let us know if those $15BI you are playing at are hyper or turbos or whatever. Second; are you sure that you need the guidance of a coach, or do you just look for an opportunity to improve your game?


metonezajima's picture

Yeah thanks for answer. I play hypers. I feel like I could do well on my own but  I am sure it will take longer of course. I just would like to improve as quickly as possible. And on the other hand I would like someone to tell me what my game seems to him honestly. and if it its like ok play the 30s or no your just not good enough and I can see you make some mistakes and identify the mistakes for me .So the answer is yes  i would like to improve my game and work hard even within the limited time I have. I also would like to make SN this year and it seems impossible on 15 bi level.