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dayanstyle's picture
Need Regular/Turbo Speed HUSNG's Coaching

I play $15-$30 buy-in level on PokerStars. Mostly regular speed. And I would like to take coaching.
I looked through "Coaching" tab and it seems that most of the coaches play Hyper-turbo HUSNG's nowadays or even don't play at all. Is there any regular/turbo speed HUSNG's coach? Maybe I was looking inattentively. Can you suggest somebody who beats Mid/High-stakes games today?
Thanks for your answers. 

RyPac13's picture
What are your results

What are your results like?
Guys like HokieGreg are a good option, but for your level of play he might be out of your budget.
We've had videos by Greenbast lately in the turbo end of things, he might be an affordable option and a player who is a few levels above your current level of play.
Check if Cog Dissonance is still playing turbos and regular speeds, he played lots of these previous to STs coming out, he might still play them occassionally and do well. If so, he'd be another good option to consider.