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ShipItBuddy's picture
Need some honest advice.

Hello, im gonna write some words about me, i started to studying and interesting on HUSNG's since a less than a month ago, i play mostly 4 man 3.5 turbo in PS, and i've to admit that is pretty hard to move up to 7's, maybe that's cuz until the last week i was investing almost all my profit in micro mtt's as i used to be a winning mtt player in ftp and merge but couldn't get a FT on PS since i moved here..In 253 sng's which most of them are 4 man i've achieved a 20% ROI. Now my question is as i'm in a special situation and i need to win around 400$ from now to 1st December and crush 11's to that date, i'm wondering if with my bankroll around 140ish should i buy a standard membership for at least 1 month and if i'm running better to november keep as a member (maybe premium).Let's be honest Ryan, Hokie, mers, or any other pro who read this post, with my bankroll and in my position would you pay the 25 bucks for a standard membership?? I know is like to ask the hot dog seller if he has wash his hands :P but well i'm waiting for an honest response.Maybe i'm not running that bad but i know i can run so much better, i've lots of leaks in my game so it's worth to invest a 20% of my bank on the membership?.Hey, sorry for my english if there is something wrong i've to wrote this on a hurry and couldn't check it, i speak spanish not english.

hokiegreg's picture
253 games is a very small

253 games is a very small sample size. you are obviously beating the game though, and probably at a high roi obv.the difference in the amount of money you can make at the 3s/7s/11s/22s isn't that much - it's not the type of money that is really going be life-changing or anything obv. if you want to become very profitable in poker long term and maximize your winnings, it's very smart to invest some of your winnings in coaching/video subs. of course it will cut into your short term profit, but it will increase your long term profit potential by a lot. if i were in your position, i'd much rather be grinding the 7's in december with a $250 roll and have watched and rewatched a ton of husng.com vids and improved a lot - compared to your alternative of no videos and being at the 11s or 22s having not developed your game much at all (the 3s/7s/11s/22s are all ridic easy to beat)good luck