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Wham city's picture
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Hi, I just got a standard subscription here to try and improve my game. I am not actually a husng player and I primarily play mid stakes mtt's. I had to withdraw most of my roll recently and am currently unrolled for my usual mtt's. So instead I have been playing lots of HU steps on ftp and using the tickets to play my mtt's. I'm still getting decent enough volume in but obviously spending way longer playing as I have to grind steps to win tickets. Anyway the lower HU steps are super soft so I think I have a good edge anyway but I definitely want to improve. I usually play very aggressive in position and am extremely nitty out of position. I don't 3bet light at all as most villains at these stakes call far too much so it puts me in lots of tough spots. I think some of these things might be leaks though in my game. So can anybody recommend any videos for the $6 - $26 level, and for somebody looking to build basic HU fundamentals, also particularily videos that focus on playing bad players who call too much?    Many thanks!

crstn's picture
There is a list somewhere on

There is a list somewhere on the page with recommended Videos for the Beginning. To start I can recommendprimo: husngfromscratch 1+2primo: reinforcingfundamentalsskates: boardtexture 1+2maybe some endgamestuff