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batman's picture
New to hyper's - micro video (<5 min)

Hi guys,

Here's a short video of a $1.50 hyper on Stars.  Any help with leakfinding would be great.  Things like playing monster drawing hands (AK, AQ etc) when you miss the flop, dealing with donk bets, anything else...  Also some help on bet sizing - at the moment I think I'm betting 1/2 pot too often as I'm not sure when to go larger or smaller.



Admin edit: embedded, just don't edit the thread or you lose the embedding.

Also feel free to add me on skype: ben-harvey1


RyPac13's picture
Other than limping JTs 6-8bb

Other than limping JTs 6-8bb deep, I think you played pretty well here.Good job cbetting with K7s, since he donks a ton and he checked on that board, I would definitely cbet there almost every time, he looks very weak in that spot. 

batman's picture
Haha cheers.   No one

Haha cheers. No one responded to that after I posted it and I kind of forgot about it.I think I play better in the video than I do now :)