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XBEAR-23's picture
Newbie to hyper hu have some basic questions, pleasee help


Sorry for my poor english first, I m Chinese, hope you guys can understand what I m talking about

I m a newbie to hyper hu, and bought a videoo form this site, have some questions

the first is, what is the NASH? Where can I find more information about it?

I m play cash game before, I wonder to know do you use handhistory to play hu? and where to buy the hu handhistory?

about the win money from... I had use the sharkscoope HUD and play almost 100 hyper hu games, never see a guy who is loose money in the sharkscope datebase, if the situation is like this, who loose money in hyper hu? Where is the fish?

Barrin's picture
The NASH equilibrium is named

The NASH equilibrium is named after John Forbes Nash Jr. It has been an (important) part of mathematical gambling theory for decades. In Poker the NASH equilibrium is an unexploitable strategy which is, mostly, in SNG and Tournaments. If one should use the NASH equilibrium strategy or not is highly debated. You see, playing an unexploitable strategy you surrender the possibility to exploit your opponent as well.
I never tought about buying hand histories for HU SNG. If your opponent adjusts to your game, the HH you buy simply would be wrong 99% of the time.
Do you join an empty lobby or do you join tables where one player is waiting all ready? Nowadays it is not uncommon for regulars to use registering software and hunt down fish and bad players. The same is true for unknown players like yourself.


XBEAR-23's picture
Thanks for your quickly

Thanks for your quickly reply, it really help me!!!
For the NASH unexploitable strategy, where can I find it? I had buy an iphone app, and found there is an NASH, but I don't understand how NASH unexploitable strategy works.
For the game join way, sometimes I join an empty lobby, some time use the lobby which is full already(because the internet connection speed is a little bit slow) and click register new(in stars). This is the two ways I can join a game. So, you means I can not search the players who I want to play with?

metonezajima's picture
well usually the players you

well usually the players you realy want to play with will jointhe lobby as the second one to come becouse they are impatient and want quick action. Thats what fish do. Its like the same as in cash games, if you are a 6 max reg starting your own tables you can be sure no other regs join you unless they are really sure they would have a great edge on you HU. But fish join you becouse they see an immediate option to get a seat.