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KnutFH's picture
Next step to take to improve

Hey guys,


having watched almost all of the standard member videos and chadders video pack, I'm wondering what's the right step to take to improve further now.

I'm a $60/$100 reg on stars and ask you to share your experience regarding to certain video packs with me since you might have been in the same spot as I am right now.

Things I'm considering to do is to either buy some coaching hours or other video packs.

If anybody of the same stakes is interested in a study group, please let me know.



Barrin's picture
Individual leaks, should be

Individual leaks, should be fixed by individual coaching.


RyPac13's picture
If you haven't seen

If you haven't seen Mersenneary's dozens of premium pack videos, I would go there right away. Same with his free ebook. The amount of compliments received from truly big names in online poker for Mers work is unrivaled.
If you end up getting the premium pack, Sa1251 and Hokie have a lot of premium only videos that are valuable as well.

KnutFH's picture
thanks for your answers.

thanks for your answers. Maybe i give the mers ebook a second read to refresh.
Def gonna take a look at mers videos, already have some on my "must see" list when I get premium membership