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EulogioJ's picture
number of hyperturbo videos

Hi, Maybe there is some way to find it, but I could not. I want to buy a standar membership (although I have to wait about a week in order to know the final Spanish regulation...). However, I have seen that there are a lot of hyperturbo videos, and I kind of hate hypers (I tend to tilt, so not good for me). I would like to know if the number of standard and turbo videos make the membership worthy (I suppose it does, but I would like to ask anyhow). It is the same if somebody can tell me the number of reg and turbos or just the number of hypers thank you so much

Jag SlaKtare's picture
Yes it certain does, there

Yes it certain does, there are also alot off good Turbo, or non Turbo vids. Phmerc, Hokie, primordial, Rypac, Cog, Mjw all have turbo vids which are very good to watch and learn from it so.  edit; Even the hyper vidds are a good for youre endgame strategy so i certain would watch some of them also.