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athsigh's picture
Number of Tables

Excuse me for my bad english, i'm Italian.

What is the number of tables for playing not automatic and a-game? (vs. different opponents obv)

In your experience? 1? 2? 4?

Ty, Mattia.


RyPac13's picture
For me, when I'm playing

For me, when I'm playing regularly (not in awhile), it's usually 2. Vs the same opponent and in a hyper turbo, up to 4 I feel I can still play my best usually.
I think it is dependent on a lot of factors. Some people are just naturally better at handling more decisions in a faster amount of time and they process their decisions at a higher rate. Others play slower, more deliberately. I think skill/experience plays a huge role in this too, though isn't always the case. For example, Olivier Busquet rather famously only plays a small amount of tables most of the time, he used to single table almost always too, I think maybe he plays more than 1 more often today though.

athsigh's picture
Very ty for you replay.In

Very ty for you replay.
In italy the level of husng is low, and playing a style automatic nitty tag with 2-8 tables is possible keep an roi 1-5%.
Abyssys playing 6-12x:
Andrea Carini: 4-6x:

RyPac13's picture
The first guy, Abyssys, he

The first guy, Abyssys, he hasn't made profit (not including rb) in over 10,000 games. Also, his recent games, in the last 1hr he played he only had 7 games.
So I'd really not try to do what a guy doing 6-12 tables is doing probably. You lose a lot of edge playing nitty/taggy in any faster structures. If you're playing regular speeds, maybe 6-8 tables can work, but I'd be surprised.
Usually players that do not have a lot of successful experience cannot play 6+ tables, it's hard enough for even the very best to do that, let alone a player who is not as fast about making decisions (and can't automatically process a lot of correct decisions instantly).

athsigh's picture
I agree with you, that's not

I agree with you, that's not is optimal mode for game, but in italy the rake is 10% (buy in 10€, 9€ + 1€ fee) and profit is 50% from rakeback.
Thank you for all, Mattia.

sir_lanka's picture
10% rake with 50% rakeback

10% rake with 50% rakeback shouldn´t make you play more tables compared to 5% rake without rakeback

RyPac13's picture
I agree. But at least the

I agree.
But at least the player is profiting after rakeback.