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Melcoool's picture
nut flush draw , not sure how to play it

Copy And Paste this...$15/$30 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BTNHero$1610.00  BBwanja2020$2390.00  Effective Stacks: 54bb Pre-Flop ($45.00, 2 players) Hero is BTN Hero raises to $60.00, wanja2020 raises to $90.00, Hero calls $30.00    Flop ($180.00, 2 players) wanja2020 bets $180.00, Hero raises to $420.00, wanja2020 calls $240.00    Turn ($1020.00, 2 players) wanja2020 bets $30.00, Hero goes all-in $1100.00, wanja2020 calls $1070.00    River ($3220.00, 2 players, 1 all-in)    Final Pot: $3220.00 Hero shows HIGH_CARD ACE wanja2020 shows PAIR SIX wanja2020 wins $3220.00 ( won +$1610.00 ) Hero lost -$1610.00i really think i played bad here what would it be the correct line , the villain is verry loose oop 80%  and he 3bet me 28% and his dnk bet percentage was 58%  

longjohn's picture
I think this play is not bad

I think this play is not bad if he is playing really loose he might be floating this some with overcards which he will have to fold to a barrel he could also have draws as well like a 5 or a worse flushdraw which you are ahead of and will also be less likely to call to a shove so I think there is enough there to fold on the turn and to call but you are ahead of to outweigh when he is ahead

Byzantine's picture
I like the flop raise, I

I like the flop raise, I probably make it a bit bigger. I think on the turn I'm just flatting his raise though. He gives you a really cheap way to draw out, and I really don't know how much he's folding here given he donk/called the flop, and from your description seems like a weaker player. So I think you can call the turn and fold blank rivers.