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EnsisArcuatus's picture
only variance or also por skills??

hello:I´m new around here and I find this site really interesting and valuable. I started playing snghu seriously in the middle of this month and I'm near of achieving my first 300 (285 at the moment).At last 68 sits i´m having an overall downswing of 13 buy-ins (20 down+10even+18up+20down). How can I know if it´s due to variance or to bad playing? Before of this I were winning and I think I didn´t change my game, but looking at my results I feel like I´m not doing things properly and maybe I have introduced changes unconsciently. I know that I shouldn´t look at my results (moerover in short samples) but i´m human.What could I look for in my database and HHs to know if I´m doing well or playing badly??Thanks, best regards.

RyPac13's picture
I would always look to

I would always look to improve, even if you are winning (especially if you are a winner at two or one digit buyins, but even the best players improve a ton year over year).Posting hands, watching videos and discussing strategy is the way to really continue improving, along with the most important thing: Playing untilted, focused volume.Unfortunately there are no easy answers, especially for samples of only 300 games.  Even big winners have 300 game breakeven or losing stretches and they aren't very uncommon (look at Borg's recent blog post, take a look at his awesome graph, it still has a rough 500ish game stretch).