I recently purchased a video pack and the range charts included suggest that vs a 60% open 50-75bb deep we should be playing only 45% OOP when we add our 3bet and flatting ranges, and 48% if we add a polarized 3bet bluff range. I was always under the impression that playing anything less than 50% OOP is bad as villain can simply open very wide and exploit us. Can anyone confirm for me please if the ranges given are actually correct, or was I right in thinking we shouldn't be playing less than 50%.
Any help appreciated
Seems too tight against a min-raise against most players in a rake free environment (SNGs).
I don't think the hands you can profitably flat change too much on villains opening range (size is much more important), but your 3betting range should vary quite a bit more.
Thanks for the reply
greenbast suggests that our flatting ranges change quite considerably vs different opening ranges so I am unsure why you think that?
I'm confused even more now :)
I have also watched that pack and his explanations are very good, but the sample ranges are quite conservative (outdated?). This is probably fine for beginning players but not optimal.
If you play perfectly OOP vs a min-raise you can probably play 85%+ of hands when villain is opening more than 85% of hands.When he is opening 60% of hands you have to reduce the number of hands you can play, but that number will still be far higher than 50%.
Seems like a common question...