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chadders0's picture
Part 5: The 3-Bet Game - discussion thread

Feel free to ask any questions about the content of the specified video in this thread.

chadders0's picture
I think I recall in this

I think I recall in this video talking about 3betshoving a wide range of middling hands when opponents are opening 60% or more on the button. This adjustment refers to when opponents are minraising their entire range. If you are facing opponents who are open shoving middling hands and minraising a polarised range this may have an effect on the range that you can 3b shove. 12bb for example some players will open shove most of their suited and connecting stuff whereas others minraise fold it, if we assumed all these open shove hands were taken out their minraise fold range then we would have to tighten up our 3b range in the face of this polarisation (and loosen our calling range to open shoves).With some calculations I found instances where profitable 3b shove ranges (against polarised open ranges) were around K9+, QT+, JT, and a wider range of suited hands, I think this may be slightly tighter than the ranges advocated in the video. 


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Spike's picture
I want to ask 4 rather basic

I want to ask 4 rather basic questions for the moment.1) around 04min: if opp fold too much: increase freq of 3b with the bluff part of the range:    you mean: we add more hands from bottom calling range OR    we just start to play each hand out of suggested range as you mentioned instead of some.2) while adding bluffs to nonAI 3b range: your prefer adding hands from bottom of flatting range=> on fora people also suggest to add instead hands from top of folding range instead and just keep calling hands that have eq to call in the call rangeAny comments about your choice in the light of the above?3) The same as above but now with 4bS range.Regarding adding bluff hands to your 4bS range if opp 3bets greater then 30% (read based evidence is present)You suggest to add the lowest suited Kx hands from your flatting range=> we do not consider the highest eq hands from our folding range that do not make the cut?4) Regarding your polorized nonAI 3b range you suggest to keep your value hands static and just dish some hands from the suggested bluff range if opening is rather tight or play all hands in the suggested bluff range is opening is rather wide=> we also do not consider tightening/widening value part of our range or are you rather convinced that the value part of the opp is rather static and only the bluff part of their ranges vary alot?Thanks in advance for the time answering this.

chadders0's picture
When adding hands to your 3b

When adding hands to your 3b range your best adding hands from the bottom of calling range, you need to be gettin quite a lot of folds to justify taking stuff out of your folding range to 3b bluff with (65%+). It's better to take hands out of the bottom of your flatting range because you still want some moderately good equity postflop in spots where you are flatted. This is not to say that your folding ranges will always have to be folded, there are gameflow spots where you can significantly widen your 3b range, and in some of these instances you may use some of those fold hands, (in genereal suited is the way to go in these spots). I wouldn't say there are any concrete rules as such as to what ranges have to be used for what, but there are some hands, a lot of weak unsuited ones, that you will do better off by just never or very rarely 3betting.There is a mention of widening value ranges in instances of opponents flattin nai 3bs (or 3bs) too wide, though this is mentioned only briefly if I recall correctly.In the instances of 4bet bluffin we genereally want to have good equity again for the times that we are called (and are playing for a 40bb+ pot). A suited king will have significantly better expectation with a bluff (as a result of card removal and equity when called) compared to anything outside of our flatting range.


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vzhong's picture
Good video! I have one

Good video! I have one questions for the moment.
Do you prefer NAI 3b or 3b shove with A9-AK if our opponent has a pfr of 65%+ 25bb deep?
how about 20bb?

chadders0's picture
^vs a reg/person you know to

^vs a reg/person you know to be competent enough to not minr/call too wide (like the average population will) thena non all in 3bet is better, something like 40 to 95 is good . Vs a random or fish I would just shove. Under 18bb these should just be 3bet shoved for sure, the 18-20bb stack size can go either way, I would be much more inlcined to go for nai 3bets if you have a read that your opponent will 4bshove a wider range than he will call a 3bet shove i with.


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whitepuma's picture
I have a couple of questions

I have a couple of questions regarding our 3bet range at the lower levels say the $7,15,30 levels.Alot of players raise every button to start but alot of players are also stations which will call a 100 3bet with a pretty wide range.How do we treat this when facing a middling flop such as 10,5,7 we lead out for 3/4 pot or half pot and get called...We have commited a large portion of our stack into a pot which we have little chance of winning on the turn or forcing the station to fold,They may also jam over the cbet on this kind of board texture.What I am trying to get at is "Are we really levelling ourselves when trying these tactics against average thinkers or stations and is this strategy best used at these levels considering the above?"

Barrin's picture
Would you mind to give a

Would you mind to give a little more details about the exact situation? I am asumeing that you play on pokerstars, to there will be 500 chips to start with and the 10/20 level. Lets asume your opponent min-raise (40) his btn and you 3bet to 100 chips and he calls. The pot is now 200 chips and the board is T75 rainbow. Now you make a 3/4 ps cbet (150) chips.You know invested 20 (your Big Blind) + 80 (your 3bet) + 150 (your cbet) = 250 chips = half your stack. If he calls the pot is 500 chips. You are out of position and even if you push the turn he will get 3:1 pot odds.You better have a very strong hand in this spot to begin with.I dunno why Chadders did not reply to your post here just yet. But as a general piece of advice, I would recommend that you post hands with this specific situation in the hand judgement board. Basically Chadders package is kinda general advice (or basic strategy) and your question is very dependend on specific information.


urse10's picture
150 cbet is way too big! i

150 cbet is way too big!i also get myself in to trouble in these spots at the 15s. i think its best to cbet a lot less often than i have been in these spots. i think you get a feel for an opponent fairly quick in these games and if he's gonna make your life difficult then you should probably take bluffs out of your 3b range and add a few thinner value hands

tamamo's picture
I think that low SC type

I think that low SC type hands is superior to Kxs at 4betbluff situation, isn't it?