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longjohn's picture
Passive villain donks nasty river

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBnemez31490  BTNHero1510  Effective Stacks: 12bb Blinds 60/120 Pre-Flop (180, 2 players) Hero is BTN Hero calls 60, nemez3 checks Flop (240, 2 players) nemez3 checks, Hero bets 120, nemez3 calls 120 Turn (480, 2 players) nemez3 checks, Hero bets 240, nemez3 calls 240 River (960, 2 players) nemez3 bets 360, Hero .....The villain had been passive and I hadn't seen him make any moves, the only read I had on him was that he was floating the flop quite light and that he wasn't value betting very thin. This river threw me a bit I thought it looked a bit like a blocker bet like he had an A but was not sure. I thought it was either an A or a K possibly a 9 I didn't know weather I should be raising calling or folding here, if this does look like an A am I ever getting value here from a small raise? or from a passive player does this look more like a K and should I ever be thinking about folding? I would guess that just calling is the most +EV play here.Also do you think I should be betting bigger on the flop or the turn, if he is calling the flop light I should be betting bigger right? or should I only be doing that with a made hand? and then on the turn I thought I should keep it to half pot because he will often have a weaker range here because he is calling the flop light?

RyPac13's picture
Call > fold > raise I think

Call > fold > raise I think vs this guy.He calls the flop a lot, so Kx and Ax are definitely hands he can have, and his valuebet is not thin, so Ax, 2 pairs, 9x are about what you want to see, Kx is also possible and you don't want that.  You have the odds to call his bet here I believe, but it's closer to a fold than a raise absent any other reads on him.I would bet a little larger on the turn.  The flop can be a check, but if he's passive it's hard to talk yourself into checking in so many places with draws and scary boards, even if he's loose on early streets (he has to be loose on later streets as well to make the flop a check I believe).Edit: Ehhh, didn't realize it was 12bb, so my last comments about flop betting put an asterick next to. The pot may get too big too fast to like the flop bet as much against a stationy flop caller.

longjohn's picture
Thanks man

Thanks man, so are you saying the flop is a check with these stack sizes?