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earwig's picture
paying yourself

I was setting up goals for next month and already know that i wont be cashing anything out just building my roll.  But i was wondering when u started paying yourself and how u figured out how much u would give yourself.  i guess i should say that i have a solid job so i dont need the money now  just going to be bonus money for a house downpayment.

RyPac13's picture
I had a non poker business

I had a non poker business when I started playing. I turned my $150 into around $10k before I cashed out a penny of it. I viewed it as an investment, the game was fun, I was learning and making some money at the same time, just to give you an idea of my mindset.I then cashed out and just kept that ~10k online as a bankroll for playing/staking/shot taking for the most part. I think I kept up to 20 online for shots up to $500 at times, but basically since I didn't play full time I wasn't likely to get over $500 in a short amount of time, so that amount was enough to keep online for my own situation.Since you have a job, I would definitely recommend considering keeping enough to play a level or two above where you're at today online, and to only cashout if you absolutely need to or if you have more than you'll need in the forseeable future online.