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WBR's picture
payment question

Hello, guys.
I sent you email yesterday. I wonder if it's possible to pay by Full Tilt transfer (or maybe Stars). Might be my sexcamemail was filtered to spam folder, dont know. Please check it and answer what to do if site transfers acceptable.

wisniak's picture
I would like to know if it's

I would like to know if it's possible to pay by full tilt transfer too

ranz1022's picture
Yeah, I just joined this

Yeah, I just joined this site and it seems pretty awesome. I would instantly pay the video fee if they accept FT or PS transfers. Do you know if it is avaliable? Do you know if they can make it avaliable?

Could someone get back to me w/ the answers?

RyPac13's picture
Hello, We prefer everybody

We prefer everybody pay via paypal transfers for memberships.
However, due to paypal's restrictions in some countries as well as difficulty for some people to pay via paypal (note, you can use a credit card or debit card without having a paypal account and still pay), we do offer a few other payment methods.
We've already talked to the first two people in this thread, if anybody has any further questions you can contact membership@husng.com
I am contacting ranz right now.