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jackoneill's picture
PF-Calling Range > 50 bb against maniacle Shoving-Monkey


Just played a session against a maniacle shoving-monkey - the guy shoved about 60% of his hands pre-flop (both in the sb and in the bb) and about 20% of his hands on the flop (this usually happened oop as a huge overbet-shove in limped pots).  Sometimes he folded pre, sometimes he minraised over my limp and sometimes he raised some ridiculous amount like 30+ bb.  He did fold a few times post-flop in limped pots.

What's the best counter-strategy against such a guy ?  This was on Absolute where games start 150 bb deep, so I really wanted to outplay the guy post-flop, but he just didn't let me see any flop or I didn't hit anything and had to give up.

I tightened up my bu opening range a lot, folded all trash hands, and limped the rest - my plan was to limp/call trap him with a premium hand.  The question is, what's a "premium hand" against such a guy ?

The game went on for about 70 hands and the guy dodged bullets twice, openfolded his buttom twice to my cowboys, so I decided to call him the first time I get a hand which is 20+ in the Nash-Calling Table even though we were still at 75 bb.

[The 20+ Nash-Calling range is A2s+, A5o+, K9s+, KTo+, QTs+, 33+]

The first hand in that range I got was KQs, I called and lost the flip against 22 :-(

Was it still a good strategy and a good calling-range or was it too tight ?  I could steal a few small pots from him, so I "only" lost about 40 bb in about 70 hands while waiting for a hand.


jackoneill's picture
One more question: The guy

One more question:

The guy openshoved the flop a lot in limped pots, but once he called my first 10x open (I did that with 99 because I was afraid he could check back, and I really wanted to get it in with that hand) and openshoved a rainbow Txy board (x and y were two very low cards) - should I have called there with middle pair ?


xSCWx's picture


That's the top 60% of hands and is atrociously wide. I'd just wait for something that is really shitting on his range like 66+ or AT+ then call and hope he will keep rematching. If he is shoving that wide preflop for 150BB then you don't need to wait for a flop to be able to get it in good against him.

I would have called 99 on the TXY board because based upon your description it sounds like his shoving range there is going to be any pair, overcards, and any sort of draw.