Ph33roX reviews play at the $30 hyper turbo level on PokerStars. He analyzes two different opponents with unique styles and talks about bet sizing, bluffing and double barreling in the video.
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Hey guys, happy to be back making videos. Let me know if you have any questions about the video, or suggestions for imporvment for future videos.
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good video, just watched the first part for now. but i think there were two mistakes in the endgame. I think the J4o is an easy push as the player did at 6BB given that Nash would be 5.4BB and this opponent gave us reasons too push much wider. The last hand that you almost skipped in the first game is a fold at 4BB (83s). No reason to throw away the game imo
Hey, I'm glad you liked the video. As for the hands:
J4o: We are actually 7bb here and not 6bb which makes a big difference. At 6bb I agree it's an easy shove against this opponent. At 7bb I don't think it's a bad shove, but I do think limping can have a better expectation, because our opponent is a passive player and will only raise preflop with strong hands, thus allowing us to get away from his big hands, without risking being pushed off our hand by hands that would have folded to a shove. I'm very willing to hear other opinions here because I'm maybe underestimating how many bad folds this opponent will make to a shove 7bb deep. What do you think?
83s: We are actually 3.2 bb BB deep here and not 4bb which again makes a big diffrence. The blinds went up to 25/50 and we have t160. 83s is a nash call at 3.6bb so I think the call is fine.
Let me know if you have any other comments.
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