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rul3zz's picture
play with a lag/maniac OOP; where is the just adjust pre-flop

Hi to all hupper,I'm curious about the answer to this question: against opponents pre-flop  call my raisex2 OOP to 70-80% and he call a little less (65%) to a raise x3. Post flop called the very cbet(50%+) however, often folded to a 2barrell in cases where one does not arrive at the sd. Where is the just PFR of hero ? And what is the just size to cbet and 2barrel (considering that he fold often 2barrel ??)I tend to pot control with this opponent. Because if I raise x2 and the opponent calls (pot 80); cbet 40 and he calls (pot 160) 2barrell 90 .. and now the pot '250. Losing this pot because I open a wide range of btn ​​is really expensive for my stack against these types of players where there is little FE. In other words, against this opponent the continuationbet is useless.How do you adjust? Open x2 and cbet  only true? or check behind and late-cbet the turn but stronger?If you find that avversarsio cbet only true, as you change your game in that match?I thank everyone in advance. Always useful to compare myself with you and always available :) sorry for bud english :P

Saigon's picture
If he folds too often to

If he folds too often to 2-barrels then you don't need to decrease your c-betting %age

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