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qattack's picture
Played Seven TOTAL Idiots Today...Lost To Seven of Them...

I guess I don't have any business playing poker at all, because I don't have any idea in ALL SEVEN GAMES whether or not I played them well.I guess that's all there is to say.

qattack's picture
Well, I was going to post

Well, I was going to post that my losing streak was broken at eight when I want allin for 70bb with AA vs. another total idiot, but i guess not.

qattack's picture
How do you beat someone who

How do you beat someone who raise-calls your limp at 25/50 with J4o 15bb deep and then raise-calls 97o 24bb deep and beats you both times?I have lost track of the number of consecutive losses...it's either ten or eleven. This is retarded.

qattack's picture
is it even possible to lose

is it even possible to lose 11 in a row randomly? that is a one in 2048 chance. God, I would suck if it's all random. What about if I'm TRYING to play well?

qattack's picture
Actually, I just checked and

Actually, I just checked and it's 12 in a row...that's a 1 in 4,096 chance 

nicoasp's picture
Stop playing now mate. You

Stop playing now mate. You sound very mad, and that's not gonna help recovering.Sorry to hear of the tough streak.

qattack's picture
Mad, yes...I guess that

Mad, yes...I guess that describes it. I just wanted to see how ridiculous things can become and I guess I found out.One bad thing about me is that I get mad...and it's something that I haven't been able to control well this year at all. I have never had a major downswing before this year...Hell, I haven't even noticed ANY downswing before this year except for when I played headsup PLO one day a few years ago and lost a $3800 pot. I shouldn't have been playing that game, as I didn't know much about it, but my opponent was super-bad. I got in on the flop with nut straight vs. bottom set/no redraw and lost of course.Anyway, I don't generally go on tilt. When I do, my form of tilt is opening more tables. I will sometimes misplay minor hands on tilt, but mostly the stupid-me-on-tilt is the saame stupid-me-not-on-tilt.I think I misplayed a single hand in these 13 games due to not paying attention or perhaps tilting, but I don't think it was tilt because it was in the first game. I minbet led T8 in a limped pot on 942 and check-folded to a turn bet when a Jack came. I did stop to figure out that I had made an open-ender.Besides that, I will painfully review all those games later today to the best of my ability, but I don't believe I misplayed any other hands due to anything but my sheer ignorance of poker.

qattack's picture
Ended my losing streak at 12

Ended my losing streak at 12 against a somewhat sane opponent.So for the last 13 games, 10 were definitely total idiots, one was probably a total idiots (though the game didn't last long enough to really find out...he had 4x and 5x twice preflop), one was simply a big idiot and one was sane.In the first 7 or 8 games, I had numerous situations where I was pretty lost against a total idiot opponent. Some of those hands I won, some I lost. I think the last four or five games I knew what to do in most or all situations.How can there be some days where I am completely confident in nearly all of my plays, and other days where I have seven different opponents in a row that I have no idea what the hell to do against?

qattack's picture
And now the minute by minute

And now the minute by minute update...How the Hell does a "sane" player raise-reraise-allin A2o 37bb deep????Guess I will file him under "Total Idiot" too.

Pakpatak's picture
M8 untill u loose 10 games in

M8 untill u loose 10 games in a row, u cant claim u are playing HUSNG :DU probably know, but let me tell u again: u are your worst enemy at poker. P.S. Play 100+BI deep, u wont worry about DS anymore 

qattack's picture
Yeah, actually I've got 438

Yeah, actually I've got 438 buyins left to blow, but this is my reserve bankroll and I'm working only off profits from HU sngs in my current bankroll of $77.25. I started in $2.20s and moved up to $5.25s at $68.25. I was three wins away from moving to $10.50s yesterday (target: $157.50), before dropping three games with over 80% equity in each hand for the win and then back to about even at $5.25s today.I do have plenty of BR and I'm not worried about downswings other than for the fact that this particular downswing means I am apparently not making progress in my learning and I suck. I'm just trying to learn this form of poker.I've been playing some form of poker or another for 14 years and I should be able to beat $5.25 HU sngs without any additional training using my old fit or fold, weak-tight style.So it's like I'm taking a big step backward and I guess I don't understand anything I'm "learning".

Laroutchezxz's picture
low stakes HU is not as easy

low stakes HU is not as easy as it seem imo.   Exploit bad players is profitable but variance is a big part of the game (even to a 10% roi winner).Keep learning and make your best. This is what i'm doing and I have a lot of fun , even if I' m not a huge winner.For some people it's easy, for me it's hard but so much interesting.Laroutchez on poker starsLaroutchezxz on full tilt Best of luck, and have fun at the tablesKeep grinding quattack!!!!!!!

fuseo's picture
You were going to lose 10

You were going to lose 10 games in a row sometime, best to get it done now.You'll also win 10 games in a row in the near future, so that is always somthing to look forward too :)Have a look at your luck adjusted winnings in holdem manager, maybe that will make you feel better.

2hotty420's picture
Confirmation bias

I go through this from time to time. It feels like you're doing everything right and yet still lose stupid all ins against stupid opponents...just try and remember your brain isn't designed to see poker for what it is; and when you lose ten times in a row it rebels!! It starts saying things like "i'm the unluckiest guy in the world" and "I suck man..." but remember if you get it in with AK vs A2 and he catches the 2, you did nothing wrong! If there wasn't an element of luck the fish would all be playing bingo. Take a break and go easy on yourself dude; you obviously know what you're doing so don't let it get you down!!

qattack's picture
Well, I'm never so worried

Well, I'm never so worried about getting allin ahead. I can recognize that I am playing fine and dismiss that hand. I played something like 15 games yesterday and lost the first 12. Of those, during the first seven (eight?) games, I was unsure about my play, as many hands I got money in when I was behind. Those are the situations that bother me.The day before, I played three games where I got it allin over and over again very much as the favorite, but lost each game. Those games are irritating to be sure, but I am happy with the way I played those games.Even if I would have won the first seven or eight games yesterday, there were still many situations that I was lost or misread completely my opponents' hands. Those spots really bother me.

fuseo's picture
Take a break. Tilt can cause

Take a break. Tilt can cause problems you don't notice.

You also have to remember that getting it in ahead is not that important. Lots of good players are happy to get in behind (if they are called) as they know they are more than making up for it in fold equity and changes in game dynamics. When you are on tilt that is a hard thing to do.

genher's picture
so ...I am not sure I

so ...I am not sure I understand....U want bad players or not?

qattack's picture
This post wasn't to complain

This post wasn't to complain about bad players...I was just very frustrated that I do not know how to beat bad players. It's not to say that I can beat good players...rather, if I cannot beat horrible players, who can I beat???Also, I understand that I will get it in behind quite a bit, but my problem here again is not knowing whether against my opponent's entire range if I am getting it in ahead or behind. A good player will have a good handle on the situation and be able to say with some conviction that he was happy to get it in there...I, on the other hand, am totally lost in many situations. And when I play seven games in a row where I am totally lost, that's when I realize there must be something major that I'm not understanding.

MrRunsGoood's picture
I totally understand. You

I totally understand. You study the game, you post hands, and put in volume... and then play a couple of games where your folding TP to a c/r, calling a river re-raise behind, or pushing with the worst hand. My last 30 games look like a  saggy accordian.After all this you look at your graph or ROI on HEM and think "wtf, I suck and don't really deserve to move up" or " jezzus, if I cant beat level x for "x" roi I really cant move up, I have too many leaks and can't even beat the donks". Your ego wins and you second guess your play .... but maybe this is a good thing? Self doubt can fortify resilience through re-evaluation and humility, though this all depends upon how you percieve it. The key is not to allow ego to get in the way (which sounds like your problem and is my problem as well). What I mean by this is your listening to that little voice in your head that:1)tells you that your better than your opponent2) and that losing to said opponent makes you inferior - that if you lose this game to such a drooler you really are no better than they are.These ideas are always creeping inside you, and given the chance they will emerge whenever given the opportunity. It's the sick association between accomplishment and ego that ultimately brings you down. You overcome this but disassociating ego from accomplishment - by relying on a differnet determinant from guiding your path. Mers hand a really good post on this in 2+2. He identified common leaks by HUSNG players and questioned why we make these plays. My personal opinion is that non equity factors - specifically emotions and ego - drive these decisions. That they are rienforced subconciously throughout the poker community through "common knowledge".However, whenever I read posts from the pumba's of poker - these things have no sway in the decisions they make  - its pure equity considerations that guide there decison making process, totally nullifying any emotional or ego influences - correct decision making becomes methological. Question is how do you get from point A (making an equity based decision) to point B (implimenting these decisions correctly in every specific circumstance) without engaging other influcences.I believe in a top down approach based upon what you learn on this site and others as well as your experiences. 1st, identify opponent, then apply a common strategy based upon your experiences to villan. Once you have established a basic strategy, adjust according to villans response/reads until you think you've determined the optimal response. If you are second guessing yourself/make the wrong play, than it's not your fault - just a lack of information and/or experience, or methodology. Simply go back and re-adjust your strategy through critical self examination and by seeking out the help of others.Essentially this is already what your doing, you just don't precieve it in this manner. Hopefully you will move from thinking "I'm lost vs this type opponent" to "I had a strategy but there were flaws so I need to re-adjust my overall approach/specific applications". Your discourse with yourself changes from emotional responses such as self doubt and confusion to a  productive re-evaluation of your play based upon logical stratagems.  One last thing - it helps me to listen to music to drown out the stupid voices challangeing my decisions - I like to listen to classical shit but whatever works for you. 

qattack's picture
Wow, great post MrRunsGood. I

Wow, great post MrRunsGood. I will need to raed it a couple more times to digest it. And I think I'll just copy it and put it on my desktop so I can read it whenever I need to!

IB_Fishing's picture
Well done MrRunsGoood

MrRunsGoood I really enjoyed your response in this thread. Please keep posting!PaulIB_FishingFinally have a way to explain to my girl what is going on!

qattack's picture
You probably better not bring

You probably better not bring this up...you'll be hearing about your big ego for the rest of your life!