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thepuminator's picture
players with sharkscope blocked

I like to sharkscope my opponents b4 sitting them to make sure their idiots and i can make a profit on them, but im not sure what to think about people who have their stats blocked. I would think that if they were good then they wouldnt block their stats because more good players are going to be looking them up and they dont want good players to sit them but i dunno. Anyone got any insight?

RyPac13's picture
I think it depends on the

I think it depends on the stakes.  At less than $100, blocking stats often means the player doesn't want people to see their scope for whatever reason, usually it means they are not amazing statistically, but they could still be a winner.Over $100, winners are blocking their stats more and more, often for action purposes.  A weak regular will never sit a top statistical player, but will sit them at least > 0% of the time if they are unknown, at least for awhile.  Skates did this before, ITRIED does this as well.  I see Nemo doing it on FTP, but I'm not sure if that's the reason, never asked him.

stalagmita's picture
on ipoker the better players

on ipoker the better players at the medium husngs block their stats to get more action... sharkscope's getting more and mre known out there in the poker world and it sucks.

wtf hu ?

kingcobra's picture
I would think that having

I would think that having your stats blocked would be even more intimidating unless you had some real killer stats, you might though if you're blocking them. 

RyPac13's picture
Do you think there are any

Do you think there are any top 5-10 results players that block their stats?  I'm not saying great players don't block their stats, but I can't recall any top total profit players ever doing it for extended times in husngs.

kingcobra's picture
I've seen some well known

I've seen some well known good players do it, there's at least one coach here who does it, Fydor, (fydor_8 on FTP), I've no idea why a coach would do this, perhaps we can ask him :)

RyPac13's picture
ITRIED2WARNU and Skates have

ITRIED2WARNU and Skates have also both done this.  I've asked them and it was for action purposes.

kingcobra's picture
If you're doing real well

I guess this could make sense although at the higher stakes the regs are going to know you pretty well anyway, maybe the new players won't and will be more likely to play you if they see you're blocked.

RyPac13's picture
Yea, I mean for Skates it

Yea, I mean for Skates it wasn't in particular for husngs, he played some other games too where he wasn't quite recognized as being as good of a regular as he was.But yes, new players, high stakes cash/STT players that decide to hop into husngs, they often think a lot of standard stuff is fishy for awhile until they really get used to the structure.

Syxxpac's picture
"I like to sharkscope my

"I like to sharkscope my opponents b4 sitting them to make sure their idiots" ROFLOL

Mohegansunriver's picture
I think most people who block

I think most people who block their ss are major losers. Wasabi Wonder (-30K), SuperMexUno (-60K), The dirty Monke (-50K) , Dragon29581 (-40K), all used to have their ss open but i checked yesterday and surprisingly, they're now all blocked. I think all the major fishes held a meeting lately and decided to collectively block their ss. I think they got tired of people LOLing at their stats because being down +30K playing $11s is pretty LOL worthy.