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Slatey's picture
Playing 3bet pots out of position against fish to slight winners

Curious as to the general consensus for playing 3bet pots vs fish to slight winners oop. When playing an aggro opponent who is raising 95% of buttons and calling most every one of my preflop 3bets you often get your cbet check raised frequently and end up in difficult spots oop and also end up losing 1/3 of your stack in 1 hand. Is it better as an "overall approach" to just call more hands oop and check raise his cbets, just float and pot control? Guestimating ranges can be tough esp. vs villian who is running reasonably hot.

billyjurevich's picture
3 bet pots

  What has helped me when I am the three better is not  c-betting so much when I miss or even when I hit. I feel it is better to bet half or even less than half pot. I don't know if it is me but, it seems that the majority of players see a 2/3 bet and want to float or shove over the top because they feel if they call one bet with their top pair, middle pair or draw they are committed anyways. at least this will give you a chance to reevalute on the turn or just simply fold to the jam on the flop with out risking more chips than needed. Although board texture is going to play a huge role, and there is nothing wrong with check folding if you totally wiff but , I think its worth throwing a small bet and at least trying to take it down.This seems to work better for me, on the wet boards I try to bet a little more if its a hand worth going all in with. on dry boards there is no reason to get crazy with your c bet sizes whether you hit or not.

billyjurevich's picture
Although it seems highly

Although it seems highly exploitable and obvious most fish are just payin attention to there hand strength and aren't paying attention to your bet sizing and sometimes less seems like an inducing bet as well, as where more may look scared. It is all opponent dependant as well if its a callin station I would really tighten up your 3 bet range and bet for value.