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FeralAce's picture
playing against 3bet or fold pre flop opponent

Hi,Are there any videos that address how to tackle an opponent who plays 3bet or fold pre flop? I'm running into a fair few of these players and have trouble playing against them.If no videos come to mind, what general advice can you give?Thanks.

STP1923's picture
Pretty nice to play these at

Pretty nice to play these at least short stacked. If he's 3betting a lot then you contract your pf raise range, expand your 4bet bluff range and call more often.If he's folding a lot then you expand your pfr range and fold all your bottom range to 3bet.See more flops with hands that flop well (suited connectors, broadway hands),4betbluff with hands like J5s, Q6s and similar and 4bet your top range too if he calls ur 4bets. If he isnt and he's cbetting a lot in 3bet pots dont 4bet your top range and let him hang himself.Its just general strategy, hope it helps.